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Everything posted by phypon

  1. Surreal that we are actually here already.
  2. I'm very confident. I think we take over and run away with the game starting midway through the 3rd quarter. It will be close up until that point.
  3. Ah, so your a "Ram" fan...
  4. This is always a fun topic. What do you think the first play offensive play of the 2022 NFL season for the Buffalo Bills will be? At first I was leaning towards a Singletary run up the middle for 12 yards. But, I'm a bit of a dreamer so I'm calling the first play a pass. JA drops back, hangs in the there to buy some time and hits Diggs for a long TD to start the season.
  5. One thing I really like about the older games is that there are very few onscreen graphics. I hate the tickers and all the crap they overlay on the screen. It's very distracting and takes up screen real estate. I just want to see the game without all of that snazzy stuff. It's a much better viewing experience and really keeps you focused on the game.
  6. Not to mention that in the Dateline interview she said that she never told MA she was 18. She also said that she didn't say "no" to him and that it didn't matter because she was only 17 so even if she said yes, since she was 17, it wasn't consensual. That was the gist I got from her interview. All the while, she is on camera telling everyone that she was 18.
  7. Great tip! I ended up going with the Ticket this year, but will def look into this in the future. For those that need info on geolocation, with the Brave and Chrome browser, you can change your location in settings of the browser based on longitude and latitude. You just enter a zip code in a search and get the long and lat coordinates and then plug that into the browser settings. It's not that hard. Just search for a tutorial on how to do it, it's only a few steps, and you don't need any extra software or plugins or extensions to do it.
  8. 34 - 21 Bills. Gonna be a clinic on primetime!
  9. Agreed, and can't say that I blame him.
  10. I'm getting the feeling this was Sean's call and Beane might have been more on the fence. Just a feeling...
  11. Yes: https://www.wivb.com/sports/buffalo-bills/sean-mcdermott-to-speak-saturday-afternoon/
  12. Here they come for the presser: https://www.wivb.com/sports/buffalo-bills/sean-mcdermott-to-speak-saturday-afternoon/
  13. Going to be cool tonight but "muggified" tomorrow. I don't live in Buff either. Surprised at what I consider cool temps today, yet the news casters thought it was warm and great weather to have a coffee outside on the patio...
  14. I've had this link running in the background forever now. I've heard the weather so many times. If you want to know the weather tomorrow, just ask.
  15. Ugh, come on already with the presser..
  16. Yup, they just showed a clip of last night. I did see them mention the presser for tonight and showed the "press back board" seeming like they are getting setup for tonight's presser. So, I'm assuming it will be soon.
  17. This is the link that I'm on: https://www.wivb.com/watch-news-4-now/. Looks like it should be played directly there. There is also this, you can open in a separate tab just in case: https://www.wivb.com/sports/buffalo-bills/sean-mcdermott-to-speak-saturday-afternoon/
  18. I know, right! Have their site open and they just made an announcement about it coming soon. This is the first time in quite a while that they mentioned it happening soon. *fingers crossed it's soon. Just want to get this over with finally, one way or the other...
  19. Looks like the presser is going to start soon on wivb.com
  20. Does anyone have any updates on the upcoming press conference? Maybe a link?
  21. Do you understand what it means to get all of the facts first? If anyone is "taking sides" it's you. You are white knighting. If Araiza did the crime he should be punished. Do you understand that I, nor anyone else in this thread thinks otherwise? Do you also understand that just because someone claimed something that might not be true is an injustice? As for the bolded part, none of us know this. If it is true and she was "conscious" while being with Araiza you're claiming that it wasn't consensual based off of her alcohol intake. What was her BAC? Do we need to go that far? It was a college party. If she was raped or "gang raped", all of those men should be in jail for life. Sorry, bud, but you are making assumptions and jumping to conclusions and trying to be righteous about something where you don't have all of the facts. Not sure why some people here have a problem with others wanting the facts. On the speculation that has come out, most of us want facts. You are the one taking sides even though you don't see that.
  22. No Simon, ignorance is passing a judgement without having all of the facts and sensationalizing a story that you know nothing about to suit your narrative. And again, more threats with your moderator status. You are clearly not fit to be a moderator on here. Good night, sir!
  23. My statements have not been ignorant. I'm looking for facts before I pass judgement, Simon.
  24. Do you understand that you don't how she got those injuries until the facts come out? That you are blaming other people for something NONE of us have all the of the facts for? That until all of the facts come out NONE of us are condoning what could have happened. That if the facts PROVE her story that all of us on here would be first in line to see this guy persecuted to the fullest extent.
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