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Everything posted by phypon

  1. I'm ready to put $100 on the cats just to ensure the Bills win. That's how my luck rolls.
  2. Looks like they are better off with Henne at this point.
  3. I used to be ok with Colinsworth, but this game...he's an idiot. Talking about different play calling by the jags if there was more time on the clock. They have TWO timeouts. What is he talking about???
  4. Collinsworth: "Beautiful fumble by Mahomes there. Just brilliant!!"
  5. Ugh...painful. Just fast forwarded through it on a vid site. Didn't remember the Kelly fumble not being a fumble because he was down. And on the same play he was taken out of the game on the same play. And then, Todd Collins comes in and craps the bed. I knew I hated that game. Now I hate you for bringing back that nightmare! j/k. That game was terrible though.
  6. Just came into this thread to say...HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!
  7. 61 pass attempts. Damn!
  8. Ha! See if they go for 2 here.
  9. Is the kicker warming up or resting his leg? Can't wait to see this.
  10. I think they should let him keep kicking so we can all laugh our asses off. Unreal.
  11. OMFG!! That guy better just leave now. Seriously, just walk down the tunnel and leave.
  12. Display a -1 on the clock after 0 so the ref doesn't have to count.
  13. "Thanks for all the anxiety you have caused me over the season. My therapist says 'Hi'".
  14. What a dagger.
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