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Everything posted by phypon

  1. You know exactly what I meant when I said what I said. Since I have to spell it out for you, I absolutely condemn all violence at any protest. In fact, I condemn all forms of violence. Life is too short and precious. But, you already knew what I meant.
  2. To me, with his overuse of the word "hoax" and the way he attacks posters, he seems to follow the same script that BT used.
  3. You are intentionally ignoring what I wrote to push your narrative. I even bolded it for you. All because you can't hold yourself to account that you were wrong. Instead, you are going to double down and dip your toe into a defamation campaign. You really need to just stop with this now. It's that simple, just stop with this non-sense.
  4. I know you read that. I know you're just trolling. The whole board knows you are trolling. Trolls get banned...
  5. As I've said before, I support peaceful protests, even when I don't agree with them. But somehow that part escapes you. As far as J6 goes, I support the cause of the protest but do not support or condone the violence that occurred that day. You can try to stretch it and spin it anyway you want to in your own mind, but you will still be wrong about your assertions.
  6. That was in reply to All_Pro_Bills, not KD. And I'm sure neither one of them support beating cops. I also do not support beating cops, as you know. You really need to stop with that false narrative.
  7. He's just going to reply with "hoax" and then say you support beating up cops or make something up about you that is the complete opposite of the truth. That's his jam when he is proven wrong with the truth because he can't handle it and then just resorts to being petty.
  8. Extremely powerful. I truly feel for the families and for the souls that were lost. Very sad, tragic, and preventable...
  9. You sure use that word a lot. Are you a Taylor Swift fan? Or are you a "raver": Weird either way...
  10. Like, OMG!! Did you see his tie?? It was so offensive! I know the family asked him for the photo, but still...I had to join a group after seeing that photo. You should try it. This is what we did:
  11. She's just so "Brat"! What color did you paint your fingernails today?
  12. Does this mean that Kommiala flip-flopped on something? Say it ain't so! lol *and we all know that she loves to flip flop...like on a dockle, know what I mean...
  13. This is a really good and informative watch. Martin Armstrong knows his stuff. Please forget that it's an Alex Jones interview. It's not about Jones, it's about what Armstrong has to to say. Left or Right, give it a listen with an open mind. This is where we are at right now and it's sad.
  14. Oh Rosie, Rosie, Rosie. I don't think Independence is right for you.
  15. Yes. Career politicians are a major problem and source of corruption and the system was never intended to be used this way.
  16. The Left will stoop to any low. They are pathetic.
  17. F*ck off troll. F*cking stalker.
  18. I like it. I mean, we already know he has toughness. Guy was a warrior and played with broken ribs after Milano impaled him. Good pick up!
  19. I answered your question. I'm just going to post a link here for you. I'm specifically using NBC as the source because I'm not sure if you would believe any other sources. If you are going to invade and bomb another country killing your own soldiers as well as citizens of that country, you better damn well be 100% right. That is not an "oopsie, we were wrong" type of scenario. Imagine if your home was swatted and your dog was shot and your family was beaten up because they had the wrong address. Would you give them a pass and say, "well, they 'thought' it was the right address, so it's all good". Think about it. Anyway, here is a link to the aftermath of an "oopsie". Are you saying you are okay with this outcome? https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/iraq-war-numbers-rcna75762
  20. You can believe whatever "they" tell you if it makes you feel better. Personally, I question it. I noticed you didn't mention the Gulf of Tonkin incident that I brought up, which has been well documented as a false flag. There are other examples from other countries of false flags as well throughout history, so don't try to say it never happens. Knowing this, everyone should question the govt narrative, especially when it comes to sending our military men and women, sons and daughters, to die for a lie. Stop being so naive, question things. You should also question the origins of Covid. At the very least, give Dwight Eisenhower's farewell speech a listen. To add to that, listen to RFK's speech from the other day and then look up operation Mockingbird.
  21. Yes, I did. Read your questions and read my reply again.
  22. Given that this was so long ago and there are more pertinent things going on today, I really don't want to get into this too much. It was admitted after the fact that the US intel was wrong. They never found WMD's. They were also advised by UN weapon inspectors that there were no WMD's, yet they still pushed that narrative. For me, it's an example of the "powers that be" duping us to get our support to do their bidding. It is our responsibility to question the motives of our govt. It's not that difficult to create a false flag. There are quite a few examples throughout history. Gulf of Tonkin and Pearl Harbor spring to mind. Again, not trying to get into this, just answering your questions.
  23. If you want to get involved, become an election observer. My sister is going to do that and I'm considering it myself. It goes both ways.
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