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Everything posted by phypon

  1. Ah, got it. So you can't think for yourself. Thanks for the clarification. Have fun swimming with the school of fish.
  2. I no longer read his posts. Tell me yourself. Do you need others to speak for you? Do you need others to construct your opinion for you?
  3. So now you support Putin and pizzagate? Is that what you are saying? Please clarify.
  4. You're playing checkers while Putin is playing chess. He wants you to think he's supporting these people and endorses Harris to make you "think" he's supporting Trump when he's actually supporting Harris. Bet you didn't think that far ahead though, did ya? You sound like a 3rd grader giving 5th graders a bad name...keep supporting Putin though, it suits you well. Moral of the story, don't worry about what Putin thinks, or maybe do...hmmmm
  5. What should have come up was ex head coach Doug Maroon...can't believe we had to suffer through his press conferences. Anyway...
  6. Interesting. Hunter was involved in illegal petroleum dealings and now it's DT Jr. who is involved in suspicious petroleum dealings. Where have I seen projection like this before? Let me think... Same playbook, same tired story. It's old, it's stale, just like the Lefty narrative. Bunch of 5 year olds playing the rubber glue game. Everyone sees right through them. So pathetic... ETA: Ah! You got me. Just read the X post. Unfortunately, it wouldn't surprise me for the Left to pull something like this. Good one!!
  7. Also giving you a Can't stand ya, but I like ya
  8. Funny coming from the guy that can't spell "stupid" correctly. Oh, are we talking about dogs and golf carts again?
  9. Oh no! What are you going to do now that Putin endorses Harris? Oh, I know, you're going to lie about it. Here's one just for you sunburn boy:
  10. And the Left is trying to spin it and are saying that it really means Putin supports Trump. Can't make this stuff up.
  11. Putin says he prefers Harris over Trump (he literally said so at a recent speaking event). MSM: By Putin saying he prefers Harris over Trump he really means that he supports Trump. Literally just heard that on NBC. The blatant lies and spin from the Left is just unreal at this point.
  12. Trump gets Boo'd at town hall interview with Hanity:
  13. Joe Ferguson will say that the "imagery" is violent because the dog is wearing a MAGA hat. The dog will use the hat to round up humans with AR's (think Lassie and Billy in the well type stuff). Then the dog will lead the humans with AR's to the shooting range for practice, but again, that imagery will suggest going to the border which means violence against joyful immigrants. So, yeah, this is "violent imagery"...
  14. Snarkiness aside, check this out. Pretty cool: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/gifted-dogs-can-remember-words-for-two-years-yours-might-be-one-of-them/ar-AA1pWEMV
  15. Alright, I get it now. Had to re-read. My bad. I admit it, see, I can do that. Don't write a book though, it was a weird read.
  16. So you call your golf cart a "corvette" to appease others. Kind of sums up your mentality. Just call it a golf cart or ride, dude.
  17. Are there migrants in that meme? Oh, never mind, you just made that up. Keep on making stuff up about a meme and ignoring the actual problem. You should join the meme police force. Side note, stay away from political cartoons, I don't think you could handle them. What's ironic is that you are the one talking about killing migrants. But, yeah, hitch your wagon to a meme, lol. Oh, please tell us all about that bad meme. It's such a bad meme. Tell us, Joe. Tell us how much that bad meme hurt you. You couldn't teach your dog how to lick it's own balls. That's how inept you are.
  18. What's bad is taking non-violent imagery and professing that it's violent while ignoring the intent of said imagery which then leads to examples of actual, literal violence and is a perpetration of the problem rather than a solution.
  19. You know what violent imagery is, Joe, it's videos and photos of illegal immigrants stomping on people's heads after they beat them, it's images of them shooting people, it's images of them stabbing people, it's images of them violating them, it's images of them beating up cops, it's images of them killing them. That's what violent imagery is. If you want to stop that type of violence, focus less on a meme and focus more on the problem and how to solve it.
  20. Joe, I'm not going to explain to you how there is no violence going on in the meme. You're right, you called it "VIOLENT IMAGERY", because you can't handle what the "imagery" actually represents. You can't make this up...except you did. I guess you didn't see the videos of immigrants with guns they have no right to banging on doors in an apartment building. That is perfectly normal to you? Aurora, Dallas, Chicago...never happened, right, Joe. You're okay with this? 911 recordings of 32 Venezuelans with guns reported didn't happen? And you're worried about semantics about a meme? You're a lost cause, Joe.
  21. OMG, no you didn't. You took something figurative and made it literal. Do you need to look that up too? What it boils down to is that you are wrong and you can't admit it. It takes a big person to admit they are wrong, Joe. Of which, you are clearly not. Keep deflecting though, that's all you have and it's not working for you.
  22. Except you're the one that brought it up. You had to look up the definition of "imagery". I think you need to also look up the definition of "projection". Try again, Joe. While you're focused on labeling people "MAGA" and the meaning of a meme, the rest of us are worried about the safety of our loved ones.
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