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Everything posted by phypon

  1. Epitome of a Leftist skirting the obvious:
  2. If any real evidence of this presents itself I would be the first to say hang him. Until then, check out this link: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-child-rape-settlements/
  3. I'm not sure if this is you or L Ron: More bad news for the L's (losers): https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/wow-newsome-harris-poll-worse-against-trump-than/
  4. Keep towing the party line. It's working out well for you.
  5. Make sure you vote JOE, even if Kumala is the candidate. Get your booster!! You idiot Leftists crack me up, lol!!!
  6. I think this article could be useful to you: https://www.infowars.com/posts/100-of-tampons-contain-toxic-heavy-metals-like-lead-and-arsenic/
  7. Surprisingly, it's clear the media has turned on him with GS pressing him about age and health. JB is toast. The deep state/establishment has made up it's mind. JB will be dead in a month, that's their only play now. They already started the rumblings earlier today about what seems to be a "fake" issue about his health on the plane. That will circle back and he will be gone. The guy is complete toast. He will be a deep left causality at this point. Not sorry, Joe because you molested your daughter, but your own people are going to exit you from this planet very soon. I'm sure they will have a great cover story for you and make you look like a nice, proud, good ole boy politician posthumously.
  8. So I literally just watched the interview now. I'm going to contribute to the Biden campaign straight away by putting gas in my truck. Love me some Biden high gas prices! Should be a mentos fresh is better campaign ad for him...
  9. Trump is going to change the name of the restaurant chain "Not Your Average Joe's" to...well, you know...
  10. Trump is going to change the pledge of allegiance to say "one nation, under Trump..."
  11. Joe Biden invented gun powder. If it wasn't for him we wouldn't have fireworks on the 4th of July!
  12. Total thread fail with this thread title. That debate exposed SO much. TFR, do you still trust CNN for reliability?
  13. Joe Biden will take this whole message board out to the "woodenchidden ansh minch chainshhhhs34...Trumpvhish and...Corn Pop our ashes!"...
  14. What can be unburdened, by what has been. Let me say it again with hand motions: What can be unburdened, by what has been.
  15. The Left is such a laughing stock right now! What a mess!
  16. F you! Hope you blow your fingers off with an M-80... J/K. Happy 4th!
  17. I'm not sure about this whole "Fuhrer" thing. I like "King Trump" better. Better ring to it. Can we stick to that please. Thanks!
  18. I heard you can save the planet by holding your breath for 5 minutes. Do your part!!
  19. Who needs a fair election? F the people! I mean as long as a dem gets in, right? Trump is a "king" but let's get Obama his 4th term. Ridiculous...
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