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Everything posted by phypon

  1. Did you watch the post I quoted? Or just try to come up with a snide reply because you are a leftist? Are you stupid?
  2. knew this was coming. This is what they want. Hey, Leftists, are you ready?
  3. You are a pathetic human being. I have a feeling you will be off this board soon...
  4. Do you even read what you write? Do you even know what message board you are replying to? I forgot that you've been called out as a multi-board troll. You'll be gone from here soon just like BillSlime is gone...
  5. I'll call you names in front of your face too. Glad to see that you changed your tune and realize this wasn't staged. Welcome to reality.
  6. Tibs and 4th, the last two leftist lunatics left on the board. And they still don't see how insane they are. Can't wait til they are gone to where BillSlime has gone...
  7. ***** you. You still think this was a staged event? You think a person in the crowd didn't die? You're such a *****. Go ***** to your George Clooney poster. People like you are complete trash. Complete trash.
  8. Go have a drink, we all know how happy you are you piece of *****.
  9. Wish they would have got them alive so they could interrogate.
  10. @tibs and @4th. ***** you both. You are total pieces of *****!
  11. Does anyone have any updates as to if he was grazed by the shot? It looked like he grabbed his head or ear or side of his face?
  12. Oh yeah, cheap fake shooting. WTF is wrong with you?? I'm sure you are well aware that your boy George Clooney is asking for JB to step down now. And now you say this?? Seriously man, get a grip. This is messed up ***** that just happened with Trump. How can you not see that??
  13. More footage: Tibs, is that you? You said a few days ago about how you were going to go postal. You Leftist F*cks are out of control!!!
  14. So you have professional experience and see a difference between boys and girls? That is blasphemy to the Left! The Left told me that boys and girls are not only the same, but boys can be girls and girls can be boys.
  15. When men have given up on dating these batshit crazy women and they can no longer find a man...
  16. This is pretty powerful. Not for the faint of heart. I'm not sure how many people here would be interested in Popp's content, but his mission is save men from committing suicide through his content, not just military men. Here is a link, it's age restricted though:
  17. Well, that explains Lincoln's hat. Also, it's Trump's fault.
  18. I think you better dive deeper into your stats. I'm guessing the higher suicide rate among white males are military men. The suicide rate of military men is under reported. It's nothing to laugh at or make fun of with your stupid post. Do some research into the numbers. "toxic masculinity"? Your'e such a joke (aka a**hole).
  19. Joe did goodest! Joe answered all of the SCRIPTED questions! Well, he "kind of" answered them. Trump is VP and Putin is the pres of Ukraine now, well, anyway, I better stop talking now because they will get mad at me, so...murflle mfflleely...*touch face, touch ear piece, cough, look for the closest kid to sniff*...
  20. I heard AOC is already starting the impeachment process for Trump...
  21. Thanks for making me spit my drink out! (not an alcohol drink before anyone jumps on that one)
  22. I might get flamed for this, but I don't see this as AB's fault. Was it a terrible accident? Yes. Was it preventable? Yes. If you invite a person to a toy gun shoot out where no live ammo is supposed to be allowed on the premises (I mean, it's a f*cking movie set for crying out loud), why would anyone think there would be live ammo on the set? I personally don't like, nor care about Alec Baldwin or his movies, and especially not his politics. In this case, idk, can't see him being at fault. I mean, really, someone handed him a live/hot firearm to practice with on set? That seems awfully suspect to me. Can't stand him, but have to give him a pass on this one. Put yourself in his shoes. He trusted the people around him.
  23. FJB! Can't wait til that lying, pedo, kid sniffer, traitor is contributing to climate change by not taking up oxygen from the planet. He is a racist, douche bag and the world will be a much better place without him and his kind. Not to mention "big boy" is a tomato. Very fitting for a vegetable, upright, weekend at Bernie's commie.
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