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Everything posted by phypon

  1. Beautiful pass by Tua!
  2. Don't which poster said it, but you called the TO. Good call!
  3. Biden supporting Trump!
  4. Sorry, honey. There is no way I would bang you. Ever.
  5. You should have another abortion to celebrate. Yay!
  6. Periviability – Earliest stage of fetal maturity where there is a reasonable chance, although perhaps not a high likelihood, of extrauterine survival. This period is generally between 22 and <26 weeks gestational age (GA). Most infants born at ≥26 weeks GA have a high likelihood of survival, whereas virtually none born at <22 weeks GA survive. Cleary you don't.
  7. Bruh, do you not know what previable means?
  8. Here are a couple of articles that are worth a read on the topic: https://www.yahoo.com/news/claims-children-born-alive-abortion-195553629.html https://patch.com/minnesota/across-mn/tim-walz-repealed-mn-law-protecting-babies-born-after-failed-abortions
  9. I have to say, that is so F'ed up. Anyone that supports "comfort care" in that situation is absolutely pure evil. Pure evil.
  10. This is what Orlando asked: "I watched the first about 20 minutes and turned it off so I could go to sleep, did the moderators at any point say to Kamala " why have you not done this legislation yet" on any of her topics? Especially in regards to the border or tax law?" I'm not sure if his intent is having legislation passed or introducing legislation. I assume he means introducing legislation and not necessarily having that legislation become law. In other words, why has she done nothing. Also, his question was directly about the moderators asking a question. You then ran with it and made it about the VP not being able to pass a law when all he asked was about the moderators asking her a question. And, of course, you made it about Trump. You're not even close to what Orlando asked. But again, have fun running amok with your bad self.
  11. Again, you're missing the point and going completely off the rails and deflecting to something that has nothing to do with what the original poster asked. He asked a simple question. You went from a simple question to the VP has no influence to outsiders killing bills to not knowing how a bill becomes a law (which has nothing to do with his question).
  12. You're still missing the point and basically talking in circles. You don't need a republican to introduce or originate a bill. Do you really think that's how it works?? But hey, have fun with running amok.
  13. Why are you Leftists always so snarky? Orlando asked a legit question and this is your response? So you're telling him that the VP doesn't have a say or influence in legislation and then say that a guy that's not in office of any type killed a bill. How does that make sense to you?
  14. Isn't Lindsey Graham voting for *****-alla? He's a war hawk you know...
  15. What does that mean? Do you code the tech? Are you in the sales of the tech? Do you buy the tech? How much do you know about the tech? Do you work on the line in a manufacturing plant that makes the tech? I'm genuinely curious. I'm a fan of the tech. Kind of intriguing, please elucidate.
  16. I know this debate was for swing voters. My ex was a swinger, I just didn't know it...
  17. I don't think you know what a nihilist is, Joe. Anyway, don't worry, I'm not going to reply to anything you have to say from here on out.
  18. Ok. Well, your response says it all. There is no having a discussion with someone that holds your position. I didn't use any ad hominem attacks against you, but since that's what you resorted to it really says a lot about your lack of a position on the matter and your lack of intention with regards to having a healthy discussion concerning the topic at hand. Have a good day, Joe.
  19. For the sake of argument, Joe, let's say this hasn't happened in Springfield but has been documented in Canton and other areas. Does it concern you that this is happening in other areas? The location of the events should not be a point of contention. This is happening in areas. Is that not concerning to you? I'm genuinely asking here and not pulling any ad hominem attacks on you.
  20. You are literally calling for it while you are trying to deny it. I've met plenty of people like you. I know your type. Not only that, EVERYONE knows your type. You can keep on saying whatever you need to in order to make yourself feel better. Just so you know, you're not fooling anyone but yourself. You have major issues and no prescription will help you with that. You're on your own, lady. This is the last time I'm wasting my time trying to have a conversation with you. You're an NPC and a waste of time.
  21. I'm going to try to say this in earnest. They are not a first hand source. We all have seen recent footage from police body cams that they are not allowed to report or discuss crimes committed by immigrants due to regulations implemented by ICE. The police are not allowed to disclose information about crimes committed by immigrants. Do some officers speak outside of the lines? Yes. But official policy, according to accounts from officers, is that they are not allowed to consider or report those crimes. Look up the Aurora video of the officer stating how he had to let a person of interest go that committed a double homicide. This should be concerning to everyone.
  22. Yet you're the one dismissing first hand accounts of events and then telling people that it's not true because "you said so"...
  23. You still want to use the word "hoax". Your own words. Are you going to call this a "hoax". You openly call for violence and then try to ride a high horse. You're a hypocrite and a scumbag. I bet you have nothing to say for yourself. You've been exposed as one of the worst posters on this board. You should be ashamed of yourself. However, I know you get off on trolling and even though you've been exposed you will lap up the attention. Watch out for the ban hammer, C Section...
  24. Okay, so do it. If you need to you can PM me and I will help you find the proper channels to set it up. We can document it here on the board. I obviously wouldn't put any of your personal info here on the board, but I will help you set it up. Let me know.
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