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Everything posted by phypon

  1. Appreciate the reply. What are your Dem friends saying? What kind of vibe are you getting? Just curious.
  2. Do you want her as the candidate or would you rather have someone else? If so, who would you rather have?
  3. They'll make it an open convention. I doubt she will be the candidate.
  4. Spritz? Sparkling wine? Cocktail? And you talk about soy?
  5. Nah, just cracked a celebratory beer. Cheers! Don't cry in your beer. Anyway...
  6. Biden didn't say in the speech how much he would raise tariffs, just that he would raise them (after slamming Trump for talking about raising tariffs). I think it was the speech after the SC ruling. I'm not sure if other countries would retaliate. We are paying tariffs while other countries are getting a huge discount. I think it's more about balancing the scale. You could be right about the outcome though, time will have to tell there. I'm all for closing the border as soon as possible and only letting people in through the legal process. With millions of people that have already entered, there is no way to deport all of them. I hope what happens is that by any means possible we can vet as many as we can and if they have a criminal background they are deported. If they commit a heinous crime here and are caught, they get deported. That's best we can hope for on that front.
  7. Biden, after slamming tariffs, then mentioned raising tariffs (in the same speech). Tariffs are only good if Biden raises them 10%. Everybody knows that. Anyway...
  8. You know how hard it is to open those ketchup packets? "Tear here" never works!
  9. You Leftists are something else. "It wasn't a bullet until the MSM and doctors tell us it was even though bullets were zipping by his head (MSM told me that). Until then, it's fake blood!". "Also, we're going to make new laws that say parents have no control over sex change operations and hormone therapy over their minor children and if they B word about it we will take their children away from them". Anyway......
  10. "Woman"? Oh no you din't! Bad comrade, bad! Gender assignment fail!
  11. Not one bit. Nothing would make me feel sorry for him with all of his kid sniffing and showering with his daughter. You should make this a poll.
  12. Staged! Biden paid someone to give him covid to boost Kahlua's ratings. I think there somehow was glass involved. Of course they messed up again. If they really wanted to make a statement all they have to do is drop a sand bag a few feet in front of him. Sandbag 1 Biden 0...
  13. Your "side" has so much class that they came into this thread saying it was fake, cheap fake, staged, and the shooter shouldn't have missed. Yeah, you have a strange definition of class.
  14. Says the person quick to be on their knees. Nobody wants your boy Biden and because of that you are now changing your tune on him and swimming with the school of fish. You're in a thread about an assassination attempt on a former president and front runner for president about a guy named Trump and you come in here talking sh*t. You're just so seething with manufactured hatred that you can't control yourself and have some modicum of decorum. Do you even understand how much of a vile person you've presented yourself as here? Go fly a "f*ck Trump" sign on your truck and make a video of it if you want. You have the right to do that.
  15. It's patriotism because people can see that Biden is ruining this country and not fit to run. But you can't see that. You're getting there though because CNN is telling you to end your support for Biden. When it comes to the anthem I'm sure you would be one of the first ones on your knees.
  16. He'll probably make the case that it was Heinz vs Huntz ketchup now.
  17. Congrats, that's what patriotism means. Of course, everything is about Trump to you. When you have a sitting President with dementia, it's not good for the country. You can't see that though. Also, just saw one of your boys Rep. Adam Schiff calls on Biden to drop out. Is he now a MAGA and worshiping Trump in your eyes?? Get a clue dude. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/17/politics/adam-schiff-joe-biden-congress/index.html
  18. We all know patriotism is a foreign concept to you. Believe it or not, some people put up an American flag on the side of their house. The horror!
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