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Everything posted by phypon

  1. I'm sorry, but you can call me "uptight" all you want. I don't think it's funny or fun to bring children to strip clubs and watch men dressed in drag taking their clothes off or showing their testicles during the Olympic ceremonies. Or having pornographic material in middle school libraries or teaching young kids about sex transitioning. Just so you know, that's not trolling, they are serious about all of those things. If you think all of that is appropriate and cool then you, my friend, are the one that is not "getting it".
  2. Seriously? There are no legs. It's a complete joke and people are laughing at the Left for yet another failed tactic. Anyone that thinks the non-Left is in a state of fear is simply deluding themselves. The Left's tactics aren't working and haven't been effective for some time now. But, of course, the Left will try their best with the feeble tactics to turn the table and wag the dog by deflecting and say the non-Left tactics aren't working. And the only reason they will say that is because they are working. Ah, the Left is so weird...
  3. There is nothing for him to deny. It's a fake story that doesn't deserve to be acknowledged. That's called feeding the trolls. You clearly don't seem to be accepting or grasping the fact that it's fake.
  4. So you use the term "right wingers" but don't know what the Left is? You're full of it there and not fooling anyone. Here's what is weird to me. The Left seems to have an unhealthy fascination with sex, sexuality, and children. They start some campaign about JD Vance having sex with a couch. That's messed up. Who thinks that way. And then they call it "weird". Do you know what "wag the dog" means? Because that's what they (the Left) are doing. If a Dem or Leftist had sex with a couch they would be labeled "stunning and brave". I find it very "weird" that the Left's mind goes to some weird sex act and then tries to exploit it. Oh yeah, the guy is going to come out and say "hey everyone, just so you know, I've never had sex with a couch". C'mon now.
  5. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jd-vance-hillbilly-elegy-first-edition-couch-erotica/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/so-whats-with-this-rumor-that-jd-vance-had-sex-with-a-couch/ar-BB1qDaZN "the viral allegation that Vance wrote about having sex with a couch in his 2016 memoir Hillbilly Elegy is false. "
  6. So you admit that the Left made up this "sex with a couch" thing?
  7. Ah, so AOC has officially in on the "weird" train. Do you not see what they are doing? So weird, lol
  8. Don't worry. We all know you are "special".
  9. You, sir, are a wordsmith and a scholar. But in a weird way...
  10. I think you're finally starting to catch on to the Left's grift. This sums up the Left's grift perfectly. I'm not really sure what you mean by this. The phrasing is, well, it's a little weird.
  11. Your definition of "messaging" is weird.
  12. It amazes me how some people can't see propaganda even when it's spoon fed to them that it's occurring.
  13. LMAO! Biden's age is his strength! What, Biden's out? No, no, no, age is now a weakness since my guy is now out! Super weird way of rationalization. And you wonder why everyone is laughing at the Left!
  14. Nah, you are just making that up to make yourself feel better because you can dish it out but clearly can't take it. I would say that is very weird.
  15. Nobody is copying it. They are just laughing at your weirdness. The Dem's messaging is definitely weird.
  16. That makes no sense. You're just being weird on purpose now...I hope...
  17. Wow, that's a very, very weird analogy. You're kind of a weird dude...
  18. Pick a "pole", any "pole": https://elections2024.thehill.com/national/harris-trump-general/ Wait til she is officially the nominee (if that happens) and we'll check back in a month. That's a very weird thing for you to say...
  19. The Left's arsenal or words, tropes, and deception has been depleted. They are a laughing stock at this point. Nobody is buying their BS anymore.
  20. You make it sound like all "MAGA people" do that all the time. It was a handful of people joking around. But, hey, bring your children to a parade and watch naked men ride bikes and walk down the street with dog masks on which happens on a regular basis involving hundreds of people. I think your priorities are skewed. When Trump craps his pants on stage I'll be worried about him wearing diapers.
  21. "I have a broken arm and I'm out of work for a month. You have two broken arms and will be out of work for two months. So, compared to you I'm doing great!". It doesn't work that way. Just because another currency is doing worse doesn't mean your primary currency is doing well. Sorry to say it, but what you are saying is parroting spin that the administration has used to sugar coat the health of the economy.
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