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Everything posted by phypon

  1. Oh my god. She is up there in top 5 of most annoying people on the Internet. I'd actually rather listen to Karris than her...
  2. Biden cured the economy. Everybody knows this.
  3. Don't waste your tine with L Ron. He's in his own world. He will say "inflation is only..." when inflation has doubled (more really) since Biden took office, then he will say it's not Biden's fault and then blame Trump. He will just call you an idiot and say that he verbally abused you even though he gets his ass handed to him every time he makes a comment. Just laugh at him, that's what I do.
  4. She, as a strong, independent woman had quite a bit to say. You mock her and assume her profession (which is a legitimate profession) and put her down? She used an inappropriate term which, at one point in time, was a clinical term that has now changed and you single that out? Are you afraid of what strong, opinionated women have to say?
  5. That's pretty sexist of you. She is a strong, independent woman and you are making fun of her and not listening to her words. Pretty misogynistic on your part.
  6. The economy is BOOMING, so she has that going for her. Not to mention, peace on Earth, no wars...
  7. Holla Hawk Twua! Immigration for the win!!
  8. I appreciate your answer. Thank you for answering and sharing your point of view.
  9. Anyone else find this chart interesting?
  10. Serious question. What was better for you over the last 3.5 years? How have things been better for you now than over the previous administration? Again, serious question, not trying to pull a "gotcha" here. Genuinely curious.
  11. You can't pull his pants down to see if he has a frank and beans?
  12. That looks like a VERY scary situation is about to potentially unfold.
  13. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/elon-musk-warns-civil-war-is-inevitable-uk/
  14. According to Axios sources the US and Israel are expecting an attack by tomorrow: https://www.infowars.com/posts/us-and-israel-bracing-for-imminent-iranian-attack-report/ *Yes, it's from infowars and an RT article but also has citations from Axios (for those that think this is a fake news link) So, tomorrow could be a very tumultuous day with potential war and it will most likely wreak havoc on the markets as well.
  15. I think Joe Rogan said it best: “I’m open-minded,” he said, “I just want to know what happened. It’s almost like a pervert wizard waved a magic spell on the whole world. ‘With a wave of this wand, you can walk into the women’s locker room with a hard ####, and anybody who complains is a Nazi, Abracadabra!’ And it just works! And everyone accepts this is the new reality, and it’s f*cking weird.””
  16. Nah, it's about allowing men into women's sports and then trying to gaslight people into believing that a man is a woman. To anger a conservative, lie to him.To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.
  17. But, but, but...immigration is GOOD for a country! Empathy now! This is exactly what "they" want. "they" want us to fight and kill each other because...depopulation... You can thank the Leftist "progressives" for this. Heard a report that in Chicago there are (specifically) black gangs engaging in fighting against Venezuelan immigrant gangs. Tensions are very high in Chicago. I don't care how this sounds, but props to our American brethren in Chicago for showing a backbone. With the markets crashing globally right now, threat of an Iranian attack this weekend, ramped up attacks by Ukraine in the Russian theater, civil unrest globally...bad things are happening across the world right now...
  18. I'll make sure to put the /joking next time. P.S. I see you.....
  19. Neither are you... /joking Sorry, I couldn't resist hitting you with that burn. It was just right there for the taking.
  20. Roundy: "I am ok with it if the ruling bodies deem it so. " You're overlords have spoken. It's okay for men to compete and beat up women for sport. Comply. Obey. Good doggie. edit: quote got messed up.
  21. The Lefties still can't tell the difference between a man and a woman even when presented with the existence of a Y chromosome in said person (but trust the science or something...). They are just NPC's at this point and a waste of time to talk to. However, it is funny to hear their rationalizations. Rationalization does not equal rational thinking.
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