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Everything posted by phypon

  1. You're right for once. The couch thing is a hoax. Also, very weird that you are talking about banging sea animals...you're kind of messed up..
  2. Says the poster obsessed with couches. Do you own a furniture store? It's such an inconvenience when you get called out...
  3. Based on your username (sectional), I think you are just jealous. Is this you:
  4. That's pretty messed up dude. Do you support immigrants raping children? Why would it make a difference to you if it happened today, yesterday, or tomorrow? That's really messed up. You should probably walk that one back.
  5. I think part of the problem is that the propaganda that has been pushed into the feminist doctrine of "I don't need a man" and "I can beat a man at anything" is coming home to roost. I think a lot of females are waking up and realizing that they have been lied to. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of women that are clutching that doctrine and it will take a bit more time before reality sets in. As it stands now, we have red pill movements, mgtow where men are giving up on dating and women are starting to feel it. You have older women in their 40's that think they can simply get a divorce and land men 15 to 20 years their age and that they can compete with younger, more vibrant, fertile women. They can't. We also have men in women sports and they are winning. At this point, the feminist movement has squandered all of it's gains. On the plus side for animal rights activists, cat adoption is WAY up.
  6. I submit that the 80's was the most memorable/innovative decade ever. Sum it up in one word. So many choices. Could be a band, politician, trend, bad, good... I'll start. This was very tough, but this one came to mind first: Tetris
  7. That's the problem. badump...tsh. I had to, I just had to, it was ripe for the taking...
  8. There are more than three states in the country: https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/biden_administration/election_2024_trump_49_harris_44_rfk_jr_3
  9. Back in my day, as kids, we used to step on rusty nails to prevent tetanus. We used to eat raw hamburger that was left outside for three days to combat listeria. We also built up an immunity to iocane powder and we loved it!
  10. Good list. Let's add: - Criticize govt policies - Have an opinion about crimes committed by an immigrant ...
  11. But what are the numbers? I couldn't find any actual numbers.
  12. What's the actual count? Is it another concert? I'm genuinely asking.
  13. So do the Chiefs. You're on the wrong board. Why are you even here??
  14. I knew this was coming. I'm sure the MSM will be all over it. I guess you have never been in a large room before.
  15. He masterfully painted her into a corner and now she has no choice. She better sharpen her pencil...
  16. And Biden is potentially leading us into the next one...
  17. He's supposed to have an interview with Musk on Monday. That should be very interesting.
  18. Genius move by Trump. 1. Confirms debates and puts Karris on the hot seat. 2. Fielded questions from the press. Let's see how camp Karris responds...
  19. Was thinking the same. If he doxxes or tries to, he'll be reported and banned. Still think that poster had their account hacked and it's a bot running it now. Wonder if just the threat of doxxing is a bannable offense.
  20. Sorry to hear that. It really sucks losing a parent or loved one.
  21. Doxx someone. Weird bot. Doxx me. Go for itl.
  22. This is like an old T-100 model. Reminds of the early 2000's type of bot. Dude, at least get an upgrade. This thing is hilarious! BillSlime anyone?? Please make some new threads on the main page with an emphasis on "brat", whatever that's supposed to be about...and you will be banned before you know it.
  23. Still waiting for you to find the "remainder" of the vid for the rest of us. Why didn't Kamala shake their hands too? Why would they stay in the plane for a photo op when she's campaigning? Well, take all the time you need to find the vid of him shaking their hands while Kamala is pointing at him like "where tf is he going???"...
  24. Post it please. Let's she him shaking their hands. I haven't seen that part of the vid. I'm being serious, I'd like to see that part if the vids I've seen have been edited for narrative reasons. Thanks!
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