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Everything posted by phypon

  1. OH YEAH! Bend but don't break baby!!
  2. This actually makes a lot of sense. Best reply so far. (for real, I'm not being sarcastic)
  3. Not really. From what you've posted here, rather than saying that the idea will never work because of blah blah blah, you've gone and turned into something completely different. Hey, if you think the idea is ridiculous (and I know it is a stretch), you could have said why. From your responses, it is not clear that you even understand the idea.
  4. I'm not sure what your comment means.
  5. We should try to do something that will go down in history. It will show how much Bills fans want a winning team and want the team to stay in Buffalo. We start a web presence and pool of the PR resources we can through fans from the fan base. We get as many fans as possible to show support at the web site so we can see what kind of numbers (in terms of fans willing to contribute) we are dealing with to see if we could realistically raise the necessary funds. We set the site up as a pledge based system. We have a poll set up for a larger handful of available coaches and perform voting to narrow it down to only a few coaches and then more down to two coaches. We would need to have someone that somehow has access to talk to the agents of the coaches so that we know the availability of the candidates and price points. Of course, with this much publicity we can have an effect on the price point. Let's say we come up with a contract that stipulates a one year contract with incentives and such. This way, we only pay for one year and if it is a success, One Bills Drive picks up the tab from there. In other words, let's go over the front office's head. Let's show them that we don't want to have one pulled over on us by their marketing tactics. We will not only show them that we are loyal and savvy fan base, but also that the fans and the team are interconnected. We go over the administrations head and hire the coach ourselves. Even if we do not make it that far, it will certainly drum up a ton of publicity and perhaps influence keeping the Bills in place and perhaps even influence FO changes. Thoughts?
  6. I would love for someone to make a highlight reel of all of jp's fumbles and bumbles, maybe with an emphasis on crucial moments of the game, like today. You know, show the time and score and then the highlight. Does this exist already? And before anyone gets all touchy about this, come on, it would be funny. We may as well poke a little fun at ourselves...oh yeah, and the team. After all, if you can't laugh at yourself...
  7. 100% agree. I know it's a dead horse but I think loses like this will help us more than a win. Otherwise, we are stuck in mediocrity. I think it's harder to fix mediocrity than an extreme. With mediocrity, you are afraid to make more dramatic changes. Bottom line, we need a new coach. We just do.
  8. How bout that one??
  9. LOLOLOL!!!!!!!!! knew it was coming...
  10. Not to ruffle any feathers, but I'm predicting JP throws a pick this drive. Just a hunch.
  11. I can not believe DJ just called a timeout on first down with 30 seconds on the play clock for the first play of the game!!! Here we go again....
  12. does anyone think that losman saves DJ's job because of the performance? I don't have an opinion, just popped into my head. Does anyone think this could apply?
  13. the sad thing is, nothing is going to change next season. it will be the same thing, rinse and repeat at this rate.
  14. it's only one loss. what does the playoff scenario look like now? yes...I'm NOT serious...
  15. at least we will lose to the cream of the crop. the dolphins are going to be the AFC East champs. Or maybe that is next weeks game because it's the jests that will be the champs...or maybe it will be the last game of the season because NE* are the champs..... /sarcasm
  16. we need to flip the field. we need to execute better...
  17. lmao!!!! should have just taken a knee!
  18. apparently we are playing miami at miami twice this year (according to the crowd)
  19. I am from RI. I have been a Bills fan since I first learned about the NFL. It sucks right now. I'm totally disappointed, however, I have been sobered by the losses incurred. I just don't let it get to me so much anymore. The season is over. That's it. That's how it goes. To be honest, I will probably not get the sunday ticket next year and only catch the games when they are televised or I feel like finding a feed. But, I'm still a fan of this team. I hope that things get better soon, but I don't think they will in the next year or two. Oh well, that's how it goes.
  20. if bills won today things would be different. looks like miami has a good chance at wild card this year. I think they get it and jets win division.
  21. how do you beat a team that has 10 points with 9 points???
  22. edt: oops, wrong quote. besides 3x3 = 9 not 10!
  23. whew! what a season. hey, at least it's over and we don't have to sweat anymore....right?....
  24. I say the game ends on a bills turnover (int)
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