I think the entire D scheme is a mistake. Where were the adjustments? When the Bills KNEW the jests were going to run, they couldn't stop it. I saw no adjustments on defense OR offense. I saw the same Bills team that we saw for the entire season prior to the previous 2 games. And why burn all of those timeouts when he did? Obviously, that's debatable and not something that is glaring after the fact, but I don't see anything other than go with the flow. I don't see ADJUSTMENTS and that's what coaching is about.
Color me stupid, but I just don't see fewell as the coach this franchise needs. I would rather see someone in charge that has been there, done that, and overcome. I want to see the best, not a "may be". Where was the max protect on offense? I know, but why was it not corrected? Sorry, I just don't see it.