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Everything posted by phypon

  1. I can't wait til TT is gone. I like the guy, but a NFL QB he is not.
  2. I think his prostitute should take a knee during the anthem...
  3. Great post. Exactly, it's not about being a TT hater.
  4. Agree. Tired of the the excuses for TT. He's just not the guy. I like him, wish he was the guy but he's simply not. Time to move on.
  5. Thanks for posting this. I completely agree. I find myself coming here less and less lately. You nailed it.
  6. Dude, you don't even get what you yourself are saying. You opened the door for any possibility there. You just don't get it. You really don't. There is no explaining it to you EVEN with your own words.
  7. So you're already pulling the ad hominem game out. It was YOUR hypothetical and it backfired. Do you still not see how your point was wrong? Do you see how what you said is incorrect and can't exist in the real world. That's all we're pointing out here. Seriously, don't take it personally, just look at it for how it really is.
  8. Yet you don't see the real world. That's my point. And, as pointed out, my "extreme" example basically happened. But, I'm sure you're okay with that.
  9. No, that's the door YOU left open. And, you can't see that. That's the point. That's what YOU don't get. That's why your argument fails miserably. But you will never understand that.
  10. Our elders are rolling in their graves right now. You don't kneel. You stand up and use your voice. Bunch of whiny P's. These multi-millionaires get plenty of air time. Talk the talk if they really want to. 200 millionaires could create a political party, create commercials, fund movements...and don't give me that charity bs (which is just a tax write off). Let's see them do something...UNITED. Let's see them TALK about it with one voice. They won't. Let's hear about ONE reason for a protest backed by a single solidarity. They won't. Every other week will be a different "protest". These "protests" are discrediting themselves.
  11. Sure and anyone that feels it's right should be able to masturbate in their pants without exposing themselves because, hey, it doesn't hurt anybody. That's fine with you, correct? You're okay with that?
  12. And another thing, those "powers that be" have successfully taken away God, family...and now country. Congrats for buying in. They've won. We are now the divided states of America. Football was my break away from everything on Sunday. It was my day to forget the world for a few weeks. Now, not so much. I'm not sure I'll make it through another week of this. It's so pathetic. NFL is really becoming nothing more than a waste of what is actually SUPPOSED to be a waste of time. I've got one foot out the door...
  13. The players don't even know what they are protesting. Trump called them out...guess what, people 50 years ago and people TODAY are calling them out and saying "shame on you"! I say shame on them. If you are going to stand for something, stand for something. Don't change it every friggin' week for the next trend. Don't stand up for something like CK did and then change it. Don't "kneel" for a dictator (Castro), call for an end to police brutality (in disguise, and I agree with standing up to police brutality as well as propaganda and divisiveness) and then turn it into a racial issue over an individual that committed a crime, assaulted a cop and tried to take his gun and then blame the cop. Give me a break. The anthem and the flag are representative of UNITY of the American people. It has nothing to do with the government or political figures! Enough already.
  14. Because they are hypocrites who don't even know what they are protesting. Their "narrative" will change from week to week to whatever the next trend brings. Respect is non-existent it seems. I don't think that they understand that the flag does not represent the government or any political figure.
  15. What's the protest going to be for next week? Is there going to be a schedule so that we can all keep up?
  16. Norwood wasn't a rookie wr
  17. I'm going to read more of this thread, I've only read page 1 so far. It was a bad throw. Why? Well, it was a bad route (with the trip and possibly the wrong route), however, TT had time to recognize the trip (even if he didn't see it) but surely he had time before he released the ball to see WHERE Jones was and where he was heading. So, even if it was a bad route, TT had time to adjust where he put the ball but didn't (assuming it was a bad route). That's my opinion and why I think it was a bad throw regardless of the route. This was one play. It happens. I'm not down on TT or Jones for this play. I am down on TT because it's not the first time he's made bad decisions/throws. I really like the guy and really rooted for him, but...we're ready to try someone new. As far as Jones on that play, he almost made one HELL of a catch. I think this kid has a LOT of potential. Seriously, what he did on that play to catch that ball and almost pulled it off...wow!
  18. When I saw it in real time, I thought it was TT's fault. I then saw a small .gif on the board and started thinking I was wrong and that it was all on Zay. I wanted to wait to see the all 22 before committing judgement. After seeing this...completely on TT. From when he releases the ball, it's totally on TT...regardless of the route. If anything, it would have been, "if Zay cut upfield it would have been a TD instead of a 1st down. I had to put the ball where he could catch it..." type of thing. TT did no such thing and had the time and opportunity to do so. Did he just throw to a spot because he couldn't see the WR???? Sorry TT, you need to go.
  19. Changing the OP's prediction. Tyrod is benched after 5 games.
  20. Flacco is not a world beater at the QB position. With that said, some people on here actually think TT is BETTER than Flacco?!? Wow! smh...
  21. Thank you for this. I recently cut the cord and dumped DirecTv so this is meaningful info for me. Appreciate it!
  22. I think it's pretty simple. At all costs, any team needs a QB. Once you have one, you build from there. Legit QB at all costs. That's where rebuilding starts.
  23. I totally support this post! I'm cutting the DirecTv cord this week (not because of football) and if TT is back next year it will make it so much easier to NOT find an alternative to watch live games (I'm in RI and not in the local Buffalo market). I'm sorry, but TT is awful. He simply is. I really wanted him to succeed and he seems like a hard worker and a great guy...just not an NFL caliber QB. He's a one trick pony, he can run. He should be a WR, he's def not a QB. I know the defense isn't the best but if the offense could score more and keep the defense off the field this team would have a much better record. TT simply can't find open WR, holds the ball too long, takes off and runs too soon, does not have awareness in the pocket, has no sense of urgency...ugh!!!
  24. I'm curious about this too. I always thought it was that if it was 4 minutes (or under) in the 2nd and 4th quarters that if a player went out of bounds the clock would stop. I have also noticed that apparently, going out of bounds is now subjective. I remember a game where Sammy went out of bounds but was ruled in bounds because he traveled backwards. The following week, two different teams, a player did the same thing and the clock stopped. NFL is getting ridiculous with it's enforcement of the rules.
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