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Everything posted by phypon

  1. "I got beat by Nick ***** Foles" LOL!!!
  2. I'm tired of hearing about the Jags and Marrone. I think they are way overrated. If the Bills had any semblance of an offense they would have smoked the Jags. Bills put up 3 while the Steelers put up over 40. The Pats* will demonstrate how pedestrian the Jags really are. And the Jags are not a Marrone team, they are a Coughlin team. I never liked Doug, just didn't do it for me, something about him. I hate both teams at this point but I think the Pats* are the better team and I think they should beat the Jags so I can enjoy Pats* losing the super bowl. I would much rather see that then a Jags win. I love when the Pats* lose a super bowl. It's such a good feeling :-)
  3. Sure they would deserve credit if they beat them. It's not about begrudging Marrone at all, it's that we should have beat them and I'd rather not see them beat the Pats if they play. Just my preference.
  4. I know, right! Man, honestly, I hope the Pats beat the Jags. I can't stand the thought of the Jags being in the SB after our playoff game...
  5. Lmao! Too funny...and true! Man, those cougars can be dangerous!!!
  6. This is an excellent point. If you "taylor" the offense to TT, don't you also need a backup QB with a similar skill set to sub for him if need be.
  7. I say keep TT and convert him to a wr as well as cut his salary. I think he would be a decent wr option or at least worth testing out. Think he'd go for it??? Outside of that, please get rid of him as soon as possible so we don't have to talk about him anymore.
  8. Dilly, Dilly!!!!
  9. In the spirit of Christmas and Jesus Christ, allow others to have their opinions and not attack them for having such opinions. I mean that sincerely. If a person attacks someone for having an opinion or that person is attacked, don't persecute them for defending themselves. If a person has a different outlook or a preliminary outlook on a topic that requires no rhetoric nor rebuttal they should be allowed to freely voice their opinion. If a dissenting view point was not asked for one should not be offered. With that, I say Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. I mean that sincerely.
  10. You're in this thread and all of your posts have been antagonistic. Go read them. You're not offering any opinion, you're just trolling. Not once have you offered an opinion, the only thing you've done or posted has been quoting and replying to other posters. You've laid out no reasons. Ironically, you're the one now name calling...which is exactly how you started off posting in this thread. And here you go, you're better than everyone else and everyone else is a joke. Do you feel better now? I thought you were done with this thread?
  11. I guess I'm the "other guy". Why are you even in this thread if you disagree? You're just trolling posters. If you want name calling I'll give you name calling. You're a troll and a kitty. You can type like a champ and have great paragraph structure and your trolling skills are nigh. Isn't there a protest you should be attending?? Seriously dude, you're a simp, look it up. Sorry that you are hurt that people have an opinion that is negative about an announcer. You want to take it to the next level and try to come off as high and mighty and champion some cause that doesn't even exist. What is it about people not liking the announcer that made you feel the need to morally challenge others in this thread?: Serious question. Because, I'll tell you, that is a problem.
  12. For the most part I think he's okay. And no, I'm not upset that you don't like him as an announcer. I do think he tries too hard to not be a "homer" at times and that's annoying. But...HOW DARE YOU criticize him! I'm calling misandry on you! So not cool and so not PC...err...wait, that is PC... I keed, I keed
  13. Actually, your post makes perfect sense. It's not about people disagreeing with me or the other posters in this thread that feel the same way as I do. It's the sensitive posters or "snowflakes" that felt compelled to trash other posters in this thread for having an opinion and criticism about an announcer that "happens" to be a female and that's the only reason they are attacking other posters and defending the announcer. The posters that are "belittling" people are the one's that are sensitive to the fact that a female announcer is getting criticized for a poor performance. As to your opinion about me seeming sensitive and insecure, I'm not insecure, but I am sensitive when it comes to standing up for peoples' rights to have an opinion and not be harassed or shamed for having their own opinion because other's deem it not politically correct. The announcer is a poor announcer and should not be given a pass based on gender. You used the word meltdown. I think you have that backwards. You're not here to legitimately offer an opinion, you're here to legitimately argue with other posters. If you were here to offer your opinion you would have done so without quoting or replying to other posters.
  14. Personal attacks? What the hell are you talking about? Suggesting she might be a man?? Again, what the hell are you talking about??
  15. Please enlighten us with your superior intellect as to how you came to this conclusion. Please break down the post you are questioning to support your sentiment. If you can, please do it line by line. Thanks!
  16. It's funny how the people complaining about how many pages this thread is are the same people that made this thread as long as it is. Extremely ironic. If Mowin was a man this would have been a 3 page thread at best. Again, ironic. To all of you snowflakes, criticism of one's performance is not protected by gender or race, in fact, it's that criticism that makes us all equal. To all of the "men" in this thread defending a poor performance simply because the announcer is a female, go take out the trash...and look for your man balls while you are at it. No one has had a problem with other females criticizing Mowin's performance. Enough already, Mowin has an annoying voice, many of us agreed. Now, the PC police are telling us that we are wrong for not liking her voice because "she's a female". Give me a break!
  17. Pffftttt...sorry that people are criticizing a female announcer. Are you offended?
  18. As long as it's not a Bills game I'm more than fine with her doing more games.
  19. I know it's not PC and I'll probably get flamed for this, but...kickers...
  20. What aspects of the team do you feel that the announcers did a good job doing their homework on?
  21. Again, there are frequently threads about the announcers. People do care, there is a search function and there is a feature that allows you to go back and look at older threads.
  22. Along with threads informing members who the officiating crew is there are also typically threads about who the announcers will be for each game. Pretty much every week for years.
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