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Everything posted by phypon

  1. You completely missed the point. Completely. And I'm not even going to explain it to you.
  2. You've got that completely backwards, buddy. By your logic it was okay for protesters to spit on Vietnam vets when they arrived home, because, you know, freedom of speech/expression and all. I think snowflakes like you and the OP are completely comfortable being on your knees. Safe places for sniveling $hits like the two of you are dwindling. You're not the only one with a voice anymore.
  3. Well, he also had bombs/explosive devices and reportedly a knife. So, I guess the problem is guns, knives, and bombs. Are there any other problems that may have led to such a tragic event that you can think of???
  4. Actually it was Hostetler's hands that cost us the game. He was a QB with big hands, otherwise fumble and TD. So, yup, Hostetler's hands
  5. If that happens will you hold, coddle, and rock us back and forth telling us it's all okay? I guess you've just cracked the code as to why Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali in their primes would never dare to box a woman for the heavyweight belt. Mind blown....
  6. When he earns it, The Tremanator
  7. Hilarious! Literally laughed out loud!!
  8. For the most part, you hit the nail on the head. I think most people realize what you are saying. I know one person that is bipolar and one person that has schizophrenia. I think the problem is that JM has the resources to be properly treated, has acknowledged that he has an issue, yet he still puts himself in bad situations. He should not put himself in positions where he can slide downhill. He should have the support, given his resources, to make sure that his medication regimen is on an even keel before doing activities that would be detrimental to his condition. If he still has a desire to put himself in such a situation he should have people around him to keep watch on him. I'm saying this because it doesn't look good that he is out at concerts or parties given his condition. - an alcoholic shouldn't go to a bar (at least not one that is not yet stable and secure) - a sexaholic should't go to a strip club - a person with a gambling addiction shouldn't go to a casino - etc... My bipolar friend had insufficient resources and despite any help I could provide has constantly found nothing but trouble while also constantly putting herself in bad situations. My schizophrenic friend had some trouble early on but pulled himself up tremendously, got the help he needed and stuck to it. He had less of a support group than my bi-polar friend. The difference being, my schizophrenic friend did not put himself in bad situations like my bi-polar friend continually does. Maybe this example is a non-sequitur, but my point is that when someone has the means to help themselves, especially with plenty of resources around them, and they don't, the sympathy level nose dives.
  9. You're a very good soul. It's humbling to see people such as you in the world. In fact, I'm a little down on my luck right now. I have no health insurance and I have bank-a-citis. It's not that I need a "fix", it's actually necessary for me to live. I would be forever in your honor if you could donate $10,000 to help ease my bank-a-citis. I know you are a good human. If you don't have that much you could sign up for several credit cards and do a cash advance on them. PM me and I will give you the details. I love all humans and I will most certainly pay you back while at the same time doubling what you've contributed by giving to rich people with all of the means and resources in the world to help themselves but somehow can't by way of donation. Looking forward to hearing from you!!
  10. So you're saying that Allen is a HOF'er??? Please pass the magic 8 ball. Great point!
  11. If AJ plays great and is our future who cares. It's still a win!
  12. Actually, that's one type of person. Anyone with observation skills would know that Flutie was the proper choice
  13. Funny how people harp on "Flutie was a bad person and blah blah blah...". and that the players didn't like him. I also remember a lot of players calling Johnson a surfer dude that just sits by himself and is always playing video games. Johnson also turned off a lot of players. It goes both ways. With that said, I'd rather have a little Flutie than a big Johnson
  14. Right! Peterman threw it right into the hands of the CB like he was a teammate! Maybe he's on the take??
  15. Here is a twist, just for kicks. Bills trade pick number 22 and ajm for Eagles first and Foles.
  16. Great post, totally agree! Thanks guys! Dilly, Dilly!!! :-D
  17. I thought the same. May be there was some nuance but to me it seemed to be the same play. Maybe the pats got it from spying on the Eagles practices.... ;-)
  18. Okay, so, I saw the Pats* today...kind of... I happen to be running errands near the airport today (Warwick, RI). I had no idea the Pats* were flying out today. I'm on Airport Road and there is a bunch of traffic and I hear a few people beeping their horns. I'm thinking, why are people beeping, there must be an accident up ahead or something, let it go. Once I got closer to the airport I see quite a few people walking the road ways, cops, and...the Pats* jet. Then it hit me, "that's what's going on here today". I drive by this area a couple of times a week and see that damn plane all the time. This time, it was front and center. I noticed the tail fin of the plane has 5 Lombardi trophies painted on it....fml!!! I finally get off that road and head onto Post Road. Now, nature is really calling at this point and I just want to get home. I come to a red light and I see a motorcycle cop stopping traffic (the light was green now). I couldn't understand why. It was a state police officer to boot. I see all traffic stopped. At that point a few motorcycle officers drove by. Shortly after I see more cop cars and motorcycle officers coming toward my direction. Then I see the buses. Six buses in total, people honking horns, police all over, motorcycles....they were busing the players to the airport. So, they had a police escort at least starting somewhere in RI from the MA line all the way to the airport, stopped/re-routed traffic. Ugh...I did not need to be stuck in traffic for THAT. I know this is standard procedure but...In short...I hate that team!!!! Just had to share. Go Eagles and go Bills!!!
  19. I'm with you but we'll both get flamed for being objective.
  20. I can understand that. For me though, I'd rather see the Pats get lit up by MN in Super Bowl. It's so much more heart breaking to lose a Super Bowl and that's what I wish to happen to the Pats* and their fans. Call me a masochist but that puts a smile on my face
  21. I hear ya. Believe me, this is a tough one for me but I really am that bitter about that loss.
  22. I thought the same thing. However, I'm still bitter about the Bills' putrid O and the loss to the Jags so I'm hoping the Jags get smoked.
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