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Everything posted by phypon

  1. I hear the sound of Libtard tears falling to the ground.
  2. All you had to do was scroll. I know, you're slow. Sleep on it. I give you credit for admitting that you need cartoons in order to learn though, mad props, you do you!
  3. I know you don't, because if you read my reply you would know. Go read it. Is that too hard for you? Does that wittle Libtard need someone to hold his hand? Do you think you can handle it on your own? No? Okay, lol
  4. That's nice. Have fun with your little Leftist party. You just lost.
  5. My stance was directly in a reply to you. Go read it. And before the title changed the thread was about officers dying on J6. That didn't happen. Do you agree that no officers died on J6?
  6. I know, you're a Libtard, the truth is hard to hear for you. You just lost more support for your "party". CNN cut the feed so I guess you are out of luck on hearing what he's actually saying (as he was talking about being censored). Don't worry, CNN will tell you what to think so you don't have to. Don't forget, Kumala is so brat! Can't wait to see her at a Beyonce concert!
  7. Stop being so f'ing stupid. Does this link make you feel better? What platform of a LIVE broadcast gives you the warm fuzzies? Anyway, yw for the link.
  8. His speaking has nothing specific to do with Rumble. What is wrong with you? Put on a CNN feed if that makes you feel better. Get a grip #######, I just provided a link so people that want to watch his official feed can watch. Yeah, getting the vibe he's not endorsing anyone. Would have been a good boost if he endorsed Trump. He clearly stated he doesn't like the Left though.
  9. I'm finding it more interesting watching the comments of over 50,000 people in the chat on the live stream fed up with the Left. I think the few Lefites on here need to wake up. Nobody likes the Left anymore.
  10. RFK Jr. destroying the Left right now. https://rumble.com/v5c1j2l-kennedy-to-address-the-nation.html?e9s=src_v1_ep
  11. I'm not going to press this too far with you. What you said about her was a bit too much. That's all I have to say about it.
  12. Again, the OP changed the thread title so you obviously didn't read the thread from page 1. You keep making stuff up and trying to change a topic to something else when you don't even know what the topic was to begin with. You can keep saying that I condone violence all day long until you're blue in the face. I already answered that, but you know, that answer destroys your simple minded rant. And just so you know, America is sick of people like you. It's obvious at this point. Keep trying, Libtard!
  13. And when she endorses Trump you will change your mind. Still messed up what you said about Ashley Babbitt. You really are a scumbag for saying that. I don't like you.
  14. No, you clearly made stuff up. You can keep doing it, but doesn't make it true no matter how hard you try. Try again though, you're very amusing. How many officers died on J6? Bet you know but don't want to say... Good lord, lol. Got any other ones you think are funny? Are you going to change the thread title again?
  15. Oh, cool. Make up some more stuff about him. Who are you going to make up stuff about next? You should start a YT channel. You're good at this.
  16. I wouldn't screw you, lol! In fact, I don't think anybody would. Keep trying, Libtard!
  17. I agree. Don't like him yanking his son and don't like anyone making fun of his son. Some things are simply off limits.
  18. Oh, they're floundering. The OP had to change the thread title. They can't stay on topic. Every sentence from them is a new random thought. Their brains are melting and it's glorious to watch. Total meltdown on their part and they do it to themselves.
  19. I heard that Kumala's next venue is going to be a phone booth. You know, so hopefully it sells out...
  20. Already did it dumb ass. Scroll up. Anything else you want to make up? Come on, you seem to have quite the imagination. What color crayons are you eating today?
  21. Nope, never said I was fine with that. But, hey, keep making stuff up.
  22. And again, you're changing the topic. Thread title was changed. So much losing for you, lol
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