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Everything posted by phypon

  1. Really, so when someone says to me "to how long you figure on living" that's not a threat? The next time someone threatens me I will defend myself. I haven't threatened anyone on here, EVER. This is not to be taken lightly. Please read the correspondence again. I did not file a false report.
  2. You're a loser and a liar. keep threatening people though. You're a psycho. You've completely exposed yourself. Threaten me again and get yourself banned. Go ahead, threaten my life again. F*cking psycho. Go for it, I dare you...
  3. Can somebody translate that for me? This "guy" lies about his age, most likely isn't even a "doctor". F*cking liar, loser. To think, for a hot second I actually respected you as a poster. You're a POS liar. "to how long your figure on living". What the hell are you talking about? Is that some kind of threat? Are you serious? If you are threatening my life I will f*ck you up dude. You are certifiably nutz!
  4. nah, somebody already posted the receipts dude. You were 65 last year and now your 64. You're a liar. Hey, everybody, we have a real life Benjamin Button in our midst, lol. You're a f*cking tool, lol. F*cking liar.
  5. Looks like you are lying about your age Joe. Why do that?
  6. So you're afraid to say your age. What kind of man are you? How old are you, Joe? Simple question.
  7. Band sounds familiar. Think my grandfather mentioned them once.
  8. Enough. You're an idiot. If you don't understand the letter I don't know what to tell you. Play your word salad somewhere else. You look like a fool. Play your games with your imaginary friends if that makes you feel better. People in the real world have no time for ones like you.
  9. Dude, you can't even say if you are a man or a woman. F*ck off. You're def not a man. F*cking idiot p*ssy. You're a psycho.
  10. "boy", lol. To the bolded, thank you for proving my point! Have a nice day!
  11. I'm a man. That was easy. Why can't you answer a simple question? F*cking weirdo.
  12. Oh, surprise! You can't answer if you are a man or a woman. God forbid someone ask you a simple question. So, are you a man or a woman?
  13. Yes, and the word "the" is in every paragraph too. You're trying to play the word game in order to ignore the context and premise of the letter because you are trying to deflect in order to suit your narrative. It's literally spelled out for you that the point of the letter was a NON request for assistance from the NG. I know you know this. Accept it.
  14. I don't need to post it. I read the entire letter. You clearly did not. You saw the word "coordination" and stopped reading and ran with that. You're tripling down and making yourself look foolish at this point. Go read it, all of it. It's not that hard and not that many words.
  15. It's actually 4 paragraphs. You conveniently skipped that one. Post the 4th paragraph, please. That's the important one. Did you not see/read that one?
  16. Are you a dude or a chick?
  17. TMI, dude. Keep your spank bank collection to yourself. Here's another thought for you, next time you're banging your wife, picture me banging your wife. Good luck with that!
  18. Sorry if already mentioned, but she also said: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/harris-tells-oprah-any-intruder-her-home-is-getting-shot-2024-09-20/
  19. No. You're spinning and failing miserably. The facts are that DC specifically did NOT request the NG. A letter was specifically sent detailing a non-request. It's a short letter containing 3 paragraphs. Read it, all of it. You don't have to support Trump or switch your allegiance to see what is actually in the letter and to see that the actual events have been distorted to fit a specific narrative that is false. That should be concerning regardless of who anyone supports politically.
  20. There is no coordination without a request or approval. It was specifically stated, more than once, that there was no request. You keep ignoring that. Read the last paragraph again. DC required either a request by them or a consultation before any coordination. It's a simple flow chart. Also, consultation or coordination does not inherently mean that DC would have allowed the NG to participate. If you don't understand what this letter entails by now then have a fun night with a dirty sock, a banana peel, and your thesaurus.
  21. The second paragraph consists of two sentences. The first sentence specifically says that there is no request by DC for personnel from any other agencies.
  22. There is no "hence". There was specifically no request.
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