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The Black Bear

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Posts posted by The Black Bear

  1. theblackbear doesn't recall Travares Tillman ever looking good at safety but Pierson Prioleau is still a decent player. He's just better at strong safety than he is at free safety. Izell Reese is also not that bad. He's just too slow now and doesn't make plays on the ball.


    theblackbear is not in love with Rashad Baker. theblackbear just believes you stick with the young guy if he is not killing you. He needs to learn the NFL game and you can't do that from the sideline. If the Bills had a guy that they KNEW would be better at free safety it would be different but that's not the issue.


    Troy Vincent has NEVER played free safety. No one knows how he'll do back there.



    Get rid of him unless he takes veteran minimum.









  2. Drew Bledsoe is "The Tin Man" because ....



    1. He has no heart: Failed to show up twice in his first two games against his former team. A guy with heart would at least show up for the games against his former team.



    2. He is a big stiff: He is about as mobile as a man of Tin. Could he be any slower?






    His game is rusty!!






    Guys behind the guys that are developing are developing quicker. That's why they should bump the guy ahead of them. Kelsay has passed Denney already and Aiken looks to be passing Reed.


    Terrence McGee struggled earlier but look at who was behind him. Coy Wire and Izell Reese. The guy missing from the lineup that hurt the Bills was Lawyer Milloy not Troy Vincent.


    Why wait for Vincent to learn how to play free safety when you have young guy that has played free safety before that just needs to learn the NFL game?







  3. "The Bills should also look at Jason Peters for the left tackle and left guard spot"


    i was with ya till i saw this line. Do you think peters can keep jason taylor from getting 10 sacks in 2 games with the bills??????


    what did J.P ever do to you???




    No. theblackbear doesn't think he can. That's why theblackbear said, "Look at him." See what you have in him before bringing in another young player. theblackbear sees him as more of a possibility at guard than tackle but he is blocking at tight end which is one spot removed from tackle. You don't know what he can do there until you look at him at the position.



    Who knew Justin Bannan could play pulling guard before he took to the field and did it?



    See what you have in your own guys before bringing in someone else.










  4. theblackbear is not ready to give praise to Jim McNally or Willis McGahee yet. The Bills still look like scrubs against tough (healthy) defenses. McGahee runs well against bad defenses. Henry could have done equally as well against those teams with the same amount of carries. He's done that since arriving in The Buf.



    Jim McNally has a great reputation but for most of the year and against good competition his offensive line has looked horrible.



    Not sold on him yet. No No No!



    Show theblackbear more first!!!



    Ya dig?










  5. You want a championship football team in "The Buf?" Well first you are going to have to trim the fat and tone up the team.


    This is where theblackbear would start .....



    1. Drew "The Tin Man" Bledsoe: A 12 year veteran that still makes rookie mistakes. Locks onto his receivers, struggles with accuracy in both short and long passing, is as mobile as a rock, and has no HEART! Lose this bum and his fat contract.



    2. Troy Vincent: Terrence McGee is now starting in Vincent's old position and improving daily. Vincent will not play at that spot again. The Free Safety position also has a young guy with potential holding it down. Rashad Baker has the athletic ability you want at the position and he is currently learning under fire as a starter. Do the Bills really want to pull him out of the lineup and stop his progress?


    theblackbear wouldn't do that. The defense is playing well with him at free safety so he should stay there. If there were no player to play Free Safety it would be different but that's not the case. Give Baker a shot at that spot and get rid of Vincent. He's making too much to play free safety anyway. He has no experience there.



    3. Trey Teague: Signed to play left tackle and moved inside to center because he couldn't start anywhere else. theblackbear still says that he is getting too much money for playing center at the level that he is playing the position. You want to know why the Bills can't run the ball between tackles? Start with Trey Teague. He is not good enough there and he's paid too much.



    4. Josh Reed: As much as theblackbear liked this kid coming out of college he just hasn't produced as a number two or number three. The Bills would be better off with Sam Aiken and Freddie Smith behind Moulds and Evans. If Reed doesn't improve he should be released. He's not playing like a former 2nd round pick.



    5. Ryan Denney: This guy was definitely a wasted pick. It's laughable that the Bills traded up to draft him. As soon as he can be released without taking a cap hit he should get da boot!



    6. Aaron Schobel: It's a shame he just got a new contract. This guy is a situational pass rusher at best. No way is he full time starting material. He is too soft against the run and he doesn't always show up against the pass. He would be a good situational pass rusher but not at his current price. Bad move giving him a new deal. The Bills would have been better off letting him walk and moving Chris Kelsay to weakside defensive end. Kelsay will be the better player. Better against the run and pass. The Bills are now stuck with two weak side style defensive ends and no real strong side player. With Schobel gone they could have brought in the strong side run stuffer they needed.



    7. Rian Lindell: You can not count on this guy. The Bills need an upgrade here.



    8. Travis Henry: A warrior that deserves better than number two. theblackbear would hate to see him go but it is time to make a move. Hopefully the team can land a 2nd round pick for Henry. You have to go with the younger McGahee.



    9. Coy Wire: He's not going to turn into the next Steve Tasker so there is nothing that he can offer the team. He'll never be a good safety (free or strong). He just can cover guys.



    10. Jonas Jennings: The 2nd best offensive lineman on the team but the guy just can't stay healthy. The Bills need to find a more reliable guy for the left tackle spot. Jennings will ask for some big money and a guy that can't stay healthy shouldn't get big contracts.




    Replacements ....



    J.P Losman: To starting quarterback. The Bills need to take a good look at him and they also need to bring in a veteran backup. That backup should be Kordell Stewart. Stewart has had success under Mularkey and knows the Bills offense up and down.



    Terrence McGee and Rashad Baker: To cornerback and free safety. Jerry Gray is doing a good job with them. As is Lawyer Milloy.



    Trey Teague: Should be replaced by a free agent pick up and a center should also be drafted on day two. A guard also needs to be added for the left guard spot via free agency and/or the 2nd round of the NFL draft. The Bills should also look at Jason Peters for the left tackle and left guard spot. They want a pulling guard for the the left guard spot and Peters is a former tight end. He has to be able to move if he played tight end. Might be a good fit at left guard or left tackle. (left tackles also have to be able to move)



    Sam Aiken: Bumps Josh Reed if Reed doesn't show major improvements. Freddie Smith to number 4 or 3 if he can beat out Aiken.




    Free Agent Defensive End: Not a major need but the Bills need to find a strong side defensive for at least depth purposes.



    Willis McGahee: Already the starter this is not a huge concern but depth needs to be upgraded. Another runningback on draft day. Rookie free agent. (after round 7)



    Rookie special teamer: At the end of the draft the Bills need to look for special teamers with potential to be starters. Special teamers are always slept on on draft day. It's better to land a good special teamer than to get a backup player.




    *** NOT WASTED MONEY *** (has to be said)



    Pat Williams and Sam Adams: Whatever else the Bills do they HAVE TO keep both Sam Adams and Pat William. If they lose just one of those guys the defense will go from one of the best to one of the worse. Hopefully Donahoe realizes this!




    Ya dig?











  6. Considering black bears are considered to be quite docile and sometimes even friendly, that kind of throws your whole reason for the nickname out the window. :w00t:




    theblackbear didn't choose this nickname for himself it was given to him.




    You never know which Black Bear you encounter is friendly or aggressive. Proceed with caution grasshopper.








  7. Since when does asking if someone else is a racist make you a racist?


    theblackbear is not even close to being a racist or black supremacist. (whatever that is)



    The username "theblackbear" is not just a username. It's a nickname passed along from theblackbear's grandfather. The first Black Bear. And he got the nickname from his children for being mean like a Black Bear. He was not a racist and neither is this Black Bear.



    We're both just mean! Mean like Black Bears.



    Any questions?








  8. Yup, it's the same moron from BB.com alright.




    This is a perfect example of what happened at buffalobills.com. A poster throws out a word like "moron" while talking about theblackbear. As soon as theblackbear would rip a guy like that theblackbear would get warned, censored, or banned.


    A guy throwing out insults calling for theblackbear to be banned.



    Something wrong with this picture indeed!









  9. Look at the hate for theblackbear. People have been trying to silence theblackbear for the longest. The messages that theblackbear send out are feared by many. Even Tom Donahoe has complained about the comments from theblackbear. (truth)


    Why the hate though?



    Here's why ......



    Since the Tom Donahoe era began theblackbear has been openly criticizing his moves. From going with Johnson over Flutie - to trading for Drew "The Tin Man" Bledsoe.



    People say bashing "The Tin Man" is nothing new. But what they don't realize is that theblackbear started the bashing. theblackbear told EVERYONE that it was a bad move to trade for "The Tin Man." That's where the problems began at buffalobills.com.


    Posters on that site called theblackbear all kinds of names and threatened theblackbear with bodily harm. The moderators there did nothing to stop this. theblackbear was forced to fight back. theblackbear started throwing around names like ........ Buffalo Bills Bootlickers, Drewlickers, Glass Lickers, and Dumb-Dumbs. These were hardly curse words but the mods still banned those Black Bear words. Anything theblackbear used to fight back against the "Black Bear" bashers was taken away.


    A double standard developed at buffalobills.com. People could say what they wanted to theblackbear but theblackbear could not defend himself without getting warnings from the bias mods. Posters hated theblackbear because theblackbear said ......



    Drew "The Tin Man" Bledsoe sucked. (1st year in Buf)

    Gregg "Bizarro" Williams was not head coaching material.

    Tom Donahoe was clueless about drafting players and signing free agents.



    It's funny now because the majority of people at buffalobills.com are saying the same things that theblackbear have been saying for years. Even the mods are now bashing "The Tin Man." The same mods that deleted the Bledsoe bashing threads that theblackbear started in the past.



    Instead of saying, "Black Bear you were right about the things you said about the team years ago" they decide to ban theblackbear for voicing more of his opinions.



    Their main issue with theblackbear was about the QUESTION theblackbear asked .......





    This was a QUESTION posed to posters concerning the Bills not giving Ted Cottrell a shot at the head coaching job, not giving Marvin Lewis a real interview, and for not even looking at Dennis Green to replace Gregg "Bizarro" Williams.



    Keep in mind that this was a QUESTION thread posed to Bills fans and not even an accusation.



    That QUESTION thread is what got theblackbear a LIFE LONG ban from buffalobills.com. This ban came from high up in the administration of the Buffalo Bills. Tom Donahoe didn't like that thread and he didn't like another thread that theblackbear made about Ralph Wilson.



    It's really funny that so many people fear the messages of theblackbear and will stop at nothing to silence him. It won't be long before they send out their cronies to this site and try to get the mods or administrator to ban theblackbear. Actually it's probably already started.



    People can ban theblackbear all they want but no one will ever silence theblackbear.



    theblackbear doesn't know how the politics of this board work but theblackbear expects it to be no different than that of buffalobills.com.



    Lets see if they prove theblackbear wrong.






    Surely we'll find out very soon.










  10. Hey look! They actually don't know who theblackbear is. :P


    One guy even brings up Tom Donahoe and Mel Kiper.



    Tom Donahoe is the guy that .......



    1. Decided to keep Rob Johnson over Doug Flutie

    2. Traded away a first round pick for Drew "The Tin Man" Bledsoe when he could have signed Jeff Blake much cheaper. (same career ratings)

    3. Signed Trey Teague to play Left Tackle for the Bills to replace John Fina. Oops he can't play left tackle so just stick him in the middle of the line at center.

    4. Drafted "RIGHT TACKLE" Mike Williams with a top 10 pick. Only a fool drafts a right tackle that high.

    5. Trades up to draft Ryan Denney.

    6. Trades up to draft Coy Wire.

    7. Hires Gregg "Bizarro" Williams to be the teams head coach.

    8. Signs washed up ex-Steelers every year.

    9. Is embarrassed to be a part of Buffalo because fans bash his horrible choice of a head coach.

    10. Is the 2nd last guy to realize that Drew "The Tin Man" Bledsoe is a scrub. The last of course is Ralph Wilson.



    Mel Kiper is the guy that ........



    Is wrong with his mock drafts every year.



    Come on now. What did you think you would accomplish bringing up those guys to prove a point?







  11. 10-6 and playoffs for the Bills is a strong possibility. The Bills have a soft schedule and the AFC teams ahead of them have tough schedules. The tough games for those AFC teams are also in the AFC. The Bills need a few things to happen but none of those things are impossible. Only a Dumb-Dumb would think that the Bills are already out of it.






    To the "Soap Dropper" that wants to aim at theblackear's dome. You're not the first Jabroni that wanted to off theblackbear. You're just the first one on this message board.



    Get a ticket and stand in line Uncle Fester!







    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  12. Bills fans,



    Forget about the bashing of Drew Bledsoe, the complaints about the offensive line, and the mumbling over Travis Henry being under used.


    The Buffalo Bills need the fans united and not divided right now as they start the drive for 5 wins in a row. It's not the time to be fighting among ourselves. It's time to get behind the Buffalo Bills 100% and push them as hard as we can. They need our help so theblackbear says to all Bills fans .......












  13. Eli Manning and Phillip Rivers are no Ben Roethlisberger either. So watcha talkin?


    J.P. Losman is what he is and that's a rookie quarterback with great arm strength and mobility. What kind of pro he becomes is anyone's guess. One thing is for sure though ...... We will see him as a starter some time in 2005 and not 2006. Bledsoe is done in "The Buf." Ya dig?











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