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The Plastic Cup

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Everything posted by The Plastic Cup

  1. And people wonder why they play games in London, Mexico, Toronto, etc.
  2. When the socialist peso takes over, Kaepernick will be a Pro Bowl QB and the world will be a just place!
  3. Owners are in the league to maximize their investment. Winning is only one aspect of that. Which 3d string QB you have has little impact on winning.
  4. Apparently because he was a middle of the pack QB......for a year......six years ago.
  5. The Royal Tenenbaums Raising Arizona American Psycho And, of course..... March of the Penguins @DC Tom
  6. The Graduate Saturday Night Fever Swingers
  7. Gee, I wonder why Snoopes didn’t raise the alarm years ago about the Daily Show and Colbert?
  8. Funny how that whole ‘metoo’ thing has taken such a long hiatus.
  9. Yup. Was Ray Rice not one of the 100+ best running backs available when his suspension ended? Don’t recall the anguished cries for injustice on his behalf five years later. The crusaders will let it go when they find a new poster child for whatever political statement they are trying to make.
  10. Always going to be a few crusaders who can’t resist jumping back up on their soapbox. It’s not really even about Kap anymore, who is ancient history in the NFL. It’s just a name that represents their particular flavor of political rant.
  11. And notice he’s a Packers fan. What if Hillary had bothered to venture up to Packerland?
  12. Studies reveal that approximately .00016384% of text messages are actually important.
  13. I guess Gordon didn't opt out of his contract.
  14. Ah...ha! From my phone I just saw the smaller house on the left. I take it all back....that's a brilliant use of time and money!
  15. Camouflaged his roof to fool the satellites? We got a lot of nuts with too much time/money on their hands.
  16. Congrats! House to yourself for lots of loud, wild sex! ??
  17. Mark up??? Shouldn’t they be cheaper? Sort of a ‘peace dividend’ for saving the planet??
  18. That would be mostly South Boston/ Dorchester/Roxbury, so yeah, good there.
  19. Pulling a dominant starter after six ***** innings -- the idiocy of modern managing on full display. Silver lining when they miss the playoffs is they might just fire this moron. If my mother was still alive she would have lost her mind. Blast from the past! ***** you Chase Utley!
  20. Best Plastic Cup Available. Duh.
  21. That one beer you had from the keg a couple weeks ago tasted a little funny, didn't it?
  22. I get the strange feeling the verification process on those stories is slightly below the standard media threshold.
  23. He needs to run smarter. He’s not a twig like many mobile QBs so yes he can take, and deliver, some punishment, but hurdling LBs and similar is not a good idea. If he runs, get the first down and get down.
  24. Is it really the meat, or is it how it’s prepared, the large order of fries, the 24oz soda, the sedentary lifestyle, etc?
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