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The Plastic Cup

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Everything posted by The Plastic Cup

  1. Was he Correll's dad? I wonder how he's recovering from that injury. Maybe that's why the Eagles didn't want TH.
  3. Next thing you know the brothers will have to defend themselves against the likes of me.
  4. The fact that tax dollars are paying to make anyone(criminal or not)'s dick hard is more proof that there is just no bottom to the barrel in this country.
  5. Dear Pacers, Don't let the Plastic Cup hit you in the ass on the way out the door!!! Love, The Motor City
  6. Run, Pat, Run! If it was up to you, where would Pat have run to in the mid 80s?
  7. If the CHAMPION Pistons are in any danger of losing to the inferior Pacers, should I sacrifice myself by hurling towards the Pacer bench and thus forcing a 250 lb. pro athlete to 'defend himself' against a 2 oz. plastic cup and/or the nearest 150 lb. Waldo look-a-like?
  8. Clearly he should have kept his mouth shut, but I can understand what he was trying to say, which was that 'ni---r' is a term to describe a subset of people who are scumbags, and shouldn't be intended as an insult to all blacks (even though many people would say that it is). I get his point, but what I find silly is that as soon as the PC crowd hears the "N-word" come out of someone's mouth, they ignore whatever context it was used in and rush to string up the offender. I just think it should take a little more than an un-PC comment to trash someone's career, even if he was an idiot for saying it and should have known better.
  9. Oh come on, they are just expressing the frustration inherent in the black experience in America. No intolerance there.
  10. My argument that a guy doesn't deserve to have his entire career ruined over one stupid comment doesn't hold any weight? On what planet? Wouldn't a two game suspension been sufficient here? Hasn't everyone pretty much agreed by now that trashing Al Campanis' career over his infamous Nightline interview was an overreaction? Once again, the left shows the true meaning of 'tolerance'
  11. And start all the games at 4:20.
  12. So the guy's career is ruined for speaking a single word? Gee, I'm so glad that the PC forces are out there teaching us how to be "tolerant" of one another.
  13. Drinking H2O the next morning is not going to alleviate a hangover any time soon. But it is the only way to prevent the hangover from hitting in the first place. Unfortunately, people are usually too wasted to pound down several Plastic Cup fulls of water before passing out.
  14. Yeah, when someone gives him a review of the past ten years, he may wish he hadn't woken up.
  15. So the choice could be vote for Brady or vote for a M!@#$ Democrat? Talk about your ugly choices.
  16. My favorite story was that time in Buffalo when someone hurled me out of the stands and I hit Bryan Cox in the head.
  17. Maybe we can raise taxes on the board to pay for his time and a half for giving advice on Fridays.
  18. Take the seats closest to the tunnel, hopefully within striking distance of the opposing players, if you know what I mean.
  19. Yes, it was entirely unfair for me to be blamed for anything. All I was trying to do was help a thirsty person! But since you are probably called 'Nicole Ritchie' a lot, you're right. You probably are the biggest victim. I wouldn't count on an answer from King Crab....after all, it's Friday now, free advice is over.
  20. How did I get dragged into this? I was just trying to give Mr. Artest a cool drink. He looked thirsty laying on that table.
  21. Plastic cups don't start riots. People do.
  22. No, but you can get a union job and pretty much do the same thing.
  23. >>8 years old when President Nixon left office And it happened on my birthday.
  24. Let's just be thankful that I didn't have to jump ugly and force people to 'defend' themselves by pummeling innocent bystanders.
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