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The Plastic Cup

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Everything posted by The Plastic Cup

  1. Who are the wing nuts? Are those the Democrats that suddenly forgot that they concurred on getting rid of Saddam once Bush actually decided to do that? Easy to understand why they'd be frustrated when they were shown to people with no convictions of their supposed beliefs.
  2. Watch yourself..... 8-4 Pistons.
  3. How about just calling it "Hotpockets"? I can't wait for the episode where they go to the basketball game.
  4. Great idea. I'm shorting BF's sanity in anticipation of the Pistons winning game 7.
  5. I agree. A man has a right to defend himself. For next season they should have firearms on the team bench so the players can shoot at the offending spectators without having to risk injury by going into the stands. By the way, hasn't this been an exciting Finals!
  6. Don't support thuggary. Buy the jersey of a respectable competitor. How about Ron Artest?
  7. Bingo! And Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
  8. Don't you know? It says they were one Plastic Cup short of a dynasty.
  9. ......and if the kid happens to be a 19 yo chick, he'll even be nice enough to bend her over a chair while he's signing it.........what a guy!!!
  10. I'd let the runaway bride deep throat me for sure. She looks dirty.
  11. IMO, Cruise failed to defend himself. He should have rushed into the crowd and beaten up the nearest 98 lb weakling.
  12. Happy birthday to BF! Here's wishing you another year of 2d place finishes and continued success in dodging all flying objects lest you be forced to defend yourself!
  13. I enjoy attending pro sporting events and following celebrity criminal trails.
  15. They must still be in the kitchen, cause they sure could stand the Heat! The power of the Plastic Cup continues. I hope BF enjoyed the game. http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/3670266
  16. At least Mr. Ohalete will learn a valuable lesson. Get the cash in hand before you give up the number next time!
  17. That means the cop has to put himself in physcial danger before being allowed to use the taser? And then if they use sufficient physical force on her to protect themsevles they get called on for "brutality". That's complete b.s. The cops were 100% right.
  18. Of course she should have gotten zapped. She was belligerent from the first moment and disobeyed his directives numerous times. As it is we give way too much leeway to such people who show no respect for anyone or anything, especially those with legitimate authority. And we wonder why our society is breaking down.
  19. KEEP STOMPIN' !!!!
  20. Probably not enough left wingers in office. That would fix it.
  21. He's as guilty as a thug basketball player attacking innocent fans. But he won't be convicted.
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