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The Plastic Cup

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Everything posted by The Plastic Cup

  1. Tough call. I'm tempted to vote for Losman, because the Bills would be much better off with no QB whatsoever (just direct snap to Willis and put another TE on the field -- we've got lots of those). Either that or draft a new QB in April. Any half way decent rookie will be fine behind that OL next year. But in the end I have to vote for Lindell. Cutting the kicker who has only made 81% of his FGs this year has the best chance of improving the organization from top to bottom. Good thinking including him in this poll.
  2. Let me guess. Your parents used your college money betting that Packers lock against Denver in the Super Bowl. Remember edog, it's not over till the last beer (or INT) is thrown.
  3. what to do? first thing is to borrow some money and get your balls out of hock.
  4. If they make their famous lasagna, than I definitely think the Chefs will win.
  5. Drugs are bad (m'kay?) Drinking is good!
  6. I need some help finding a website that can convert foreign currencies. Can anyone help?
  7. The Plastic Cup knows a thing or two about sobriety and lack thereof. I'll say Mad TV.
  8. He was seen at the pre-season opener vs. Chicago. Some guy threw a beer at him and he threatened to cut his head off. Go Pistons!
  9. It's a shame that a few bad apples can ruin a fun time for everyone.
  10. Self defense. And kayak rescues during floods.
  11. Thank you. I hit Artest from the eighth row. Try that stojan with a paper cup!
  12. b.harami98 had every right to defend himself. If you are a 98 pound weakling, consider yourself lucky to have escaped his wrath. And by the way, you did not just refer to me as a Paper Cup. Don't make me go Artest on you.
  13. kill some women and children?
  14. Please don't drink and ride.
  15. Sorry I missed it. I hope none of my brethren were involved in dumping beer on people's heads.
  16. Hey. Just trying to keep busy during the off season. Less than two months before the Pistons' home opener. NBA action.....toss it!
  17. Hey, Sean and me are here to help. Cut us some slack.
  18. Who's the blonde to your right? Mmmmm.....she makes me thirsty. I'd bail raw sewage out of Sean Penn's boat for a night with her.
  19. Some of us are doing all we can to help while others just B word and moan on message boards.
  20. Damn Nick, bad news to wake up to. Prayers for you and everyone in London. I know what you're feeling as I was way too close myself on 9-11. Hopefully people are staying relatively calm.
  21. Either way. As long as are 'defending yourself' people will give you a free pass. Oops, that's 101.
  22. I choose to look at myself as half full. At least we took care of the Pacers. My good work is finished. Just remember, if someone throws a plastic cup at you, don't take the law into your own hands, you take them to court!
  23. So you support an invasion of N. Korea or Iran or Syria?
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