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Posts posted by RJsackedagain

  1. I put us because we were on the cusp of making it last year. I'm banking on the fact that with the Bills organization feeling comfortable enough going with JP and releasing Bledsoe that he will perform at least as well as Drew did. If he can be even a slight improvement over Drew then we should be able to get there.


    I figure if JP makes the same mistakes as Drew did at least he is a rookie ....it's not good when 12-year vets make rookie mistakes though

  2. I spoke with God today and he told me the Bills are gonna win it all next year!


    All he asked in return is that each Waller say 2 rosaries a day, every day, until SB Sunday.


    Do ya want it bad enough?  Who's with me?


    Oh yeah, God also said the deal's off if he sees anything resembling a cowbell next year.


    God called back and said we need to sacrifice the team mascot too --- I bet Billy Buffalo goes up in flames pretty quick

  3. Let's just assume that, in fantasy-land, Bledsoe takes the Cowboys to an 11-5 record and a playoff berth.  Regardless of what the Bills do, what will people here start saying about Bledsoe/Dallas?


    I'm not saying this will definately happen by any stretch of the imagination.  I'm just wondering what people like Steve, Rico, etc, etc, will start saying about Bledsoe if the Cowboys have a good/great season next year.


    Please, no "That will never happen!" threadkill comments.


    PS: Yes AD, I'm aware of the irony of starting a DB post after saying I havn't started a DB thread.  <_<  :blink:


    Then I guess it will be true what they say about the NFC ---- It sucks!

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