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Everything posted by RJsackedagain

  1. The Godfather: "You sonofabitch, do you know who I am? I'm Ron Mexico! I made my bones when you were going out with cheerleaders." "Look how they massacred my Ron Mexico." "It's a Sicilian message. It means Ron Mexico sleeps with the fishes." "Now listen: I want somebody good -- and I mean very good -- to plant that gun. I don't want my Ron Mexico coming out of that toilet with just his d**k in his hands, alright?" "Don Corleone, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your house on the day of Ron Mexico's wedding." "Ron Mexico, you're my older brother and I love you, but don't ever take sides with anyone against the family again. Ever."
  2. Damn, the Bengals liked them soooo much they made a uniform out of Zubaz. At least it makes the Bills road uniform look a little better,
  3. Ding Ding Ding ..... we have a winner. The Lions had Colon on their team and a guy named Eric Andolsek, who sadly died when he was hit by a pickup truck while weedwacking his mailbox. http://lafourche.com/sports/andolsek.htm
  4. This is like Bob and Doug Mackenzie cutting back on beer! ...... Oh the horror
  5. What's this world coming to when Cookie Monster gives up cookies?? http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...ie_less_monster
  6. maybe the coach licked the kid's wound and that set the dad off???
  7. who watches regular TV anymore unless it's for sports .... besides they'll censor the video I'm sure
  8. You ever seen Nipple Convalescent Home in Penn.? http://www.pennmed.com/nipple.htm
  9. Well perhaps Mr. Jackson will call you after he settles his legal troubles
  10. I'm not quite sure how JP will tear this, but is this the rotating cup you speak of? http://www.brukeroptics.com/ft-nir/images/rotating_cup.jpg
  11. Yes, but you have to share it with the rest of the guys in your row ---- the Bills aren't made of money
  12. I'n not sure how one hurts their "rotating cup" but I don't think JP will be trying to hurl a fastball 90 mph or anything with the first pitch.
  13. I'm sure he made sure to pack those horrific hot pink pants
  14. Perhaps we should invite Mark McGwire on to turn this into a positive discussion again
  15. Peter King doesn't do tofu ..... you think he's got that body from eating well??
  16. Actually there's a high school football coach who likes to lick wounds up in Oregon http://www.shortnews.com/shownews.cfm?id=46573
  17. Does it come with a free prescription of Valtrex???
  18. Actually it's him as his new nickname "Dirty Sanchez"
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