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Everything posted by RJsackedagain

  1. Don't mind them, they are still learning to read at some colleges these days .... just ask Dexter Manley
  2. Someone found Josh Mora's college audition tape
  3. I can sell you two in the 15th row around the 20 yard line by the scoreboard for $1,000,000 ...... I'll even throw in a Travis Henry bobble head
  4. Dude, you listen to that show The Cowherd Show might be the worse thing on the air next to the Brad Dumbies Show in Rochester. The only thing good about Cowherd's show is when he spans the globe and brings in beat writers like the guy you mentioned --- otherwise he's painful to your ears.
  5. You telling us that JP is really that chinese kid Ricky in those stop racisim commericials???
  6. Looks like another 16-0 season for the red, white and blue boys on paper. Ok, maybe 15-1 with the night game in New England ........ and they lose in the divisional round of the playoffs
  7. I think shooting her is league in some states if she becomes a big enough problem
  8. The Wiggles and Michael Jackson just plain scare me!!!
  9. It's good to see the secret service has plenty of spare time to build shelters for ducks. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/n...whitehouse_duck
  10. A HEARST visited the Bills, did Billy Buffalo die
  11. Hey I'm just saying I think Cookie Monster is being made a scapegoat by people for their kids being fat little pudge balls. .... If your kid needs cookies, then give him some healthy ones ---- you got a Wegmans near you? They have an excellent selection of cookies
  12. It was a couple years ago, but I thought friends of mine who lives in Tonawanda still gets it. I'll ask them.
  13. Thanks for the tip. A friend of mine recommended the same thing recently and I just switched.
  14. Time Warner claims it blocks spam. I use their email services and seemed to get more now that ever before. A few of my friends have the same problem.
  15. I think I dealt with Adelphia in Buffalo back when I was in college and don't recall ever having a problem. Plus, I like that deal they used to have: 99 bucks for all the cable channels and high speed internet. Here's why I dislike Time Warner: 1. Poor channel selection for sports fans. We can get 70 Lifetime networks but it takes an act of congress to add a new sports channel. 2. They charge more for HD service and don't offer more than a few channels. 3. The price: They charge an arm and a leg for service. My friend dropped TW and went with a dish and he gets more channels for 20 bucks less a month. 4. High speed internet: It's slow and spam is a big problem with your email. 5. Uniformed customer service people. I call to ask a question and it takes 10 minutes just to get a human on the phone who usually can't answer my question anyways.
  16. He's a bloody puppet ........ and isn't a parent's job to have their kids eat healthy?? I don't think 3-year-old Johnny can go buy cookies these days by himself
  17. Everyone in Buffalo, here's a tip --- Get a dish!! Time Warner stinks!!
  18. Michael Vick: Uh, what's my Delta Tau Chi name? Bluto: Michael, I've given this a lot of thought. From now on, your name is Ron Mexico. More Animal House "Hi, Ron Mexico, Herpes chairman, damn glad to meet you." "Ron Mexico, honey? Is it supposed to be this soft?" "May Ron Mexico have ten thousand marbles, please?" "See if you can guess what I am now? ........I'm a Ron Mexico! Get it?"
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