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Everything posted by RJsackedagain

  1. It might be hard to top Gaughan's daily garbage when it comes to the Bills beat.
  2. I believe Allen Wilson from the Buffalo Snooze was the one who wrote that for the Sporting News. He does all their other Bills stuff.
  3. Didn't Jones steal money from the Bills too???
  4. Guns, reefer and illegal aliens should help you get across the border easier with a dog in the car. .... And if the border guy hassles you, just blow through the checkpoint and wait for the hillarity to ensue. You can thank me later.
  5. Cool, they are adding QB's puking under pressure to 2006 .... that's like when they had bloody heads in NHL game.
  6. why? who do you want so bad in the first round??
  7. I thought it was supposed to be Ricky and Tommy Chong on the next cover
  8. Dude, I wonder that every day with Brad Dumbies in Rochester!!!!!
  9. you think surfmeister has a secret crush on Hitler???
  10. Sorry cheif, but that was two jobs ago for the Josh-ster. He went to Detroit and now he's in Texas with the Rangers -- in fact I just heard him call the game this afternoon.
  11. OK, if you are playing a drinking game with them I can understand where you are comign from
  12. What's with this love for Kevin Thompson, you dating him??
  13. I hope you are kidding. Those guys hardly pay attention to the game and they kiss up to EVERYONE on both teams.
  14. Albom??? who knows how much of the stuff he wrote is true or note. I mean he did Tuesdays with Morrie, but who knows, maybe he was really meeting him on Wednesdays or Fridays. http://apse.dallasnews.com/news/2005/040805albom1.html
  15. I'd say that's a pretty good group you listed right there. Vince Scully would have to be in that mix along with Peter Gammons, Bill Rafferty and Tim Kurijan.
  16. ...... and the big-money TV deals are ruining things too. Maybe they should go to an all AM radio broadcast style according to DiCesare
  17. OK, this idiot wants to do away with the NFL draft and make all college players fair game for everyone starting at noon on Saturday. http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050...?tbd1047943.asp
  18. No Talonz is just really dumb --- he knows it too.
  19. Not that there's anything wrong with that
  20. Question for the board: Has anyone seen in print from a credible source (or even the Buffalo Snooze) that the Bills are talking about a deal with the Redskins for Nate, or is this all wild speculation????
  21. If you want to nail this job, follow these tips along with LA's bong advice: 1. OK, I see you live in Atlanta, so might I suggest you wear an Atlanta Falcons' No. 7 jersey with the the name "Mexico" on the back. If you can't find one, maybe a nice Braves' John Rocker jersey will work. 2. Ask for your own office, preferably his! 3. Tell him you are willing to work late and on weekends only if he's willing to as well. 4. Sounds like you are already asking for more money than they are offering, so you might as well go all out and ask for a company car, an expense account and season tickets to the Bills. 5. A membership to Augusta. 6. Your own secretary.
  22. Are you suggesting he go in with a bong instead???
  23. Bring some weed and offer the CEO a little "Peace Pipe" puffing before you sit down to chat -- I bet he'll go for it.
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