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Everything posted by RJsackedagain

  1. Hey Skippy, I used to hunt "big cats" in my homeland with a whittled-down stick and I earned that nickname. According to columnist Bryan Burwell from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, you are not even any good, so maybe "Kitty Cat" would be a better name for you!!!!!!
  2. I'm guessing TH is not the most suave when it comes to his money, but that little guy played with more heart than a lot of guys in the NFL I've seen over the years. TH is one tough son of a b**ch and wore the red, white and blue proudly in Buffalo.
  3. Larry the bus driver in Buffalo said TD's trading Nate, Travis and three No. 1 's to the 49ers right now and then the Bills are taking Nugent with the first overall pick.
  4. Yeah, Mr. Larry predicted someone would make an idiot of themselves on this board and that idiot is???
  5. crack, pcp, lsd and angel dust ..... that's how you come up with trades like that
  6. Terry Adams used to be a really bad pitcher in the major leagues, I think Toronto was one of his many stops.
  7. I think they have like 14 RBs already, including Davis, Foster, Goings, He Hate Me, etc. Apparently they are looking to field a starting line up of 11 RBs to go against the Denver Broncos' new 11-man front on defense ..... should be quite a battle
  8. bump as in former Shout! beat writer Lary Bump????
  9. I thought you were supposed to mix cereal with milk
  10. Merril needs to just shut up. I think last season every game he picked was wrong, including the Bills to beat the Pats on SNF.
  11. The Bills need a CB more than they need a 3rd receiver for their "supposed" ball-control offense. If they drafted Williams they'd have to get rid of Moulds too since I can't see him wanting to share the ball with Williams and Evans. By the way ---- Isn't Donahoe on record as being in love with Williams ---- it might have been last year, but I know he's a big fan.
  12. Yeah, why do his uniform pants have one of those backdoor hatches like little kids have on their PJs???
  13. Smoke some weed, us the CEO's bathroom and order some strippers to crash the interview ------ you can thank me later!!!
  14. Any QB that attended a school in Florida this year ------- that means you Chris Rix and Brock Berlin. .... As for the more "big name" guys I predict Matt Jones flunks out of the NFL.
  15. I knew there was a reason why we didn't want a gay man in the army!!!
  16. No!!! But I find few athletes these days who can justify the salary they make. If Nate were to command 8 mill a year I'd like to see him turn in another solid season like last year's first --- of course if he does, that'd drive his price up I'm sure.
  17. Hmm, I'd have thought Gaughan would have gone to a different school than Buffalo State if his dad was so well off. I'm not disrespecting Buff State, in fact I went there, but usually people with money send their kids to more "big name" universities.
  18. Here's Bryan's reply to me: all you bills fans need to lighten up, okay. Damned, what are you all related to him? I didn':t call him a bust. But I don't think he is in the peyton manning/donovan mcnabb category either. and my note to him: Bryan, I'm just wondering how you can list JP Losman as a bust in the NFL when he's barely played. And when he did play last year, it was in mop-up duty for the Bills. Losman broke his leg last summer in training camp and never had a chance to compete with Bledsoe for the starting job. He came back from his injury about the time Bledsoe and the Bills started to play well and there was no reason to put him in the line up at that point. Perhaps you should do a better job of checking your facts before publishing your next column. An angry Bills fan
  19. It fits well with the gay-ness of the Bills road uniforms ----- oh I hate them!
  20. Jerry is a columnist along with Bob DiCesare and Scott Pitoniak from the D/C.
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