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Everything posted by RJsackedagain

  1. Maybe it's just me, but ESPN's talking heads seem to be flubbing names a lot today. Sal Palontino refered to Mike Nolan as Mike Golic earlier ...... Torry Holt mentions Freddie Jones playing for the Cardinals ..... Suzy asks Mike Williams about playign with Carlos Rogers and Roy Williams
  2. Great answer from Aaron Rodgers: Suzy asks him about the wait in the draft and Rodgers says "it's building character". You know he wanted to say "it farking sucks"
  3. Hey Big Stein, I think that smell is your 200 million dollar ballclub losing again
  4. Cajun you might be able to play QB in Detroit now with those 3 guys
  5. Williams to the Lions?? ...... WOW, there's a shocker
  6. QBs are a big gamble and other teams have more pressing needs right now
  7. Derrick Johnson goes to the Lions and the Cowgirls grab the kid from Troy State
  8. they were missing the dude with the viking horns blowing his horn -- that fires up a crowd
  9. If the Brownies trade up right now they take a defensive player like LB Johnson or one of the DEs. I bet as soon as the draft gets into the teens that a bunch of DEs start to go
  10. With Williamson and their offseason shopping, Vikes fans should be happy as pigs in sh*t about there team
  11. I'm guessing the Cardinals will take Rolle here and then the Skins take Carlos Rogers
  12. I know. I didn't mean to sound like a jerk before, but he just looks like the kind of player I WOULDN'T want on my football team
  13. Cowboys got a pair of Drews already ---
  14. there's no reason to trade up though if the next 10 teams don't want him .... maybe chiefs or saints could take him, otherwise he's falling to green bay
  15. I think the Vikes might take Williamson
  16. Man, who takes Aaron Rodgers now??? He might end up being this year's thurman thomas
  17. Why do I get the feeling Pacman Jones just looks like trouble???
  18. It pains me to say it, but Fins, Bucs and Bears went the smart route by taking RBs ..... Almost everyone else is a question mark this early in the first round
  19. Benson is crying???// That's not going to play well in Chicago. There's no crying in the Windy City.
  20. or the Bucs take Rodgers and trade for Henry
  21. I think she's into girls just like the rest of us
  22. Oh I thought you were watching ESPN hoping Tory Holt would wear his pink tutu again
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