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Everything posted by RJsackedagain

  1. He looks like a mean son of a b*tch --- the Bills need someone like that on their o- line
  2. I have a bad feeling the Pats are going to take Baas
  3. Pats might take the kid Miller from Clemson at CB now
  4. which cody, shaun or dan? ..... I like shaun better of the two
  5. steelers = heath miller I wanted the Bills to add him at TE
  6. I'm surprised they didn't cut to McGuire, Theisman and Patrick for an uplifting word about the kid.
  7. I think the chargers needed a WR more than two defensive guys
  8. Does he come with the cream, the clear or syringes?????
  9. i believe SilvernRed would like to get "on the topic"
  10. Yeah, I hoping the Eagles don't take Arrington or a back at the end of the first round either .. it would be nice for the bills to have more than one trade option in the second round
  11. Who is this Michael Vick the talking heads are speaking of, I thought Atlanta's QB was named Ron Mexico
  12. He might want to keep that Taco Bell management school application form handy
  13. no he's saying it because the dude wore a pink tutu on national television
  14. Or she'd be a freak of nature
  15. One big problem ..... Daunte is still the QB. Not sure if he's smart enough to lead the team to a title -- and I don't mean that in a racial way. He's like a black Jake Plummer,
  16. Stuart Scott would be at the top of my list but I haven't seen the jerk yet today on here .... Hodge and Salisbury --- if you put a brain in that miz it would die of loneliness
  17. When they cut to Vikings fans after they drafted James it looked like the group just woke up out of a coma. ..... They are more passive than Cardinals fans
  18. Derrick johnson = the next Derrick Thomas????
  19. It would have been funny if the Chiefs took him while Trent Green was being interviewed. I think the Packers get Rodgers
  20. I thought her dumper looked a little rotund sitting in that chair .... make she should lay off the deli tray and focus on her interviews
  21. And Berman said when the Dolphins were selecting that they didn't have another pick until the third round
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