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Everything posted by RJsackedagain

  1. Bills fans celebrate as a new load of offensive linemen arrives at One Bills Drive
  2. who cares if he holds out, the Bills still got Joe Burns
  3. I thought when someone throws a short pass to Ricky Williams that was called a "smokescreen"
  4. Rumor has it that UM's method of speed training is running away from the cops!!!
  5. I think part of the reason there's few GMs who make two good hires is because A. They are gone after the first bad hire. B. They redeem themselves with a good second hire after screwing up the first time ... ex. Mularkey. No wonder the Bears have stunk for so long, hiring a Lovie, a Dick and a Dave!
  6. I didn't know Potter knew football, I thought he played that game on a broom.
  7. The widget almost worked last year ----- I'll give TD credit for at least posting a winning season and getting Mularkey in there.
  8. I didn't know they had an AF2 team in San Diego
  9. Do they give out rings for that??? Last season was a WINNING season, not a playoff season. TD has done a good job bringing in talent and getting a good head coach, which is what a quality GM is supposed to do, but now I don't think anything short of the postseason is acceptable this season.
  10. Is it true TD shot up Urkel before he ODed? ...............I also heard TD was responsible for raising tolls on the Thruway, brought underage kids to the Neverland Ranch and refused to overturn the "no goal" that cost the Sabres a chance at the Cup.
  11. Thanks dude ---- I was making a joke since people on here have been posting that Willis needs money now and is hawking his used jerseys.
  12. I didn't know Moulds had another job in the off-season
  13. What do the Bills need another WR for??? The just drafted one and have like a half dozen coming back, maybe more. ...... The Titans drafted a RB and just signed the kid from SU Walter Reyes today, plus they need receivers in the worst way.
  14. What kind of snacks did they serve in the war room?? I suspect TD is a pretzels and diet coke kind of guy, but Modrak will eat anything.
  15. I think some people are annoyed with TD because the Bills have gone four years without making it to the playoffs. Nobody wants this franchise to turn into the Arizona Cardinals or the current 49ers where losing is aceptable and the norm. Until the Bills make the postseason with TD, fans have every right to call him out on the carpet.
  16. I can: Danny Wuerffel, Rob Johnson, and Danny Kannell ------ all bad QBs who seemed to make a decent living (or steal money in RJ's case) in the league.
  17. Who said u were stupid for predicting Rix wouldn't be drafted?? He's terrible and has been throughout his four-year career with the Noles. His lack of development is one reason the team has not competed for a national title lately.
  18. I don't believe the words Travis Henry and smart have ever been used in a sentence before
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