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Posts posted by RJsackedagain

  1. I agree. Last year I sat in the first row directly behind Pat Williams, and he looked as if he could barely walk. I for one was against a long term committment to PW.


    Many fans seem to forget how much harm is done to a football team when old, overpaid players hit the wall and need to be cut. It cost the Bills something in the neighborhood of 11 million dollars of cap space just to cut Fina and Ostroski; two completely useless stiffs.


    Also, PW was on the Bills last season and they still were not great at holding opponents on crucial 3rd and long plays.

    PW is often talked about on this board as if he is a reincarnate of Mean Joe Greene. He is not. He is a good, albeit aging and overweight DT. He was a good anchor against the run most of the time, yet brought little to the table in terms of pass pressure.


    The Bills took a major hit this season when they lost him because Edwards was injured and Anderson developed slower than expected. That said, letting him move on was probably a good thing.



    Hey, the Bills used to be able to let players like Pat walk away and have decent replacements. Now, they don't even have decent starters --- anyone still a fan of Mike "I don't like Football" Williams or care to keep him around?

    All I'm saying is losing Williams was a mistake on TD's part. He was a good team guy, played hard and wanted to stay in Buffalo for less money. Sam Adams showed his true colors Sunday by going home to cry instead of staying to support his teammates --- glad we kept him around this year at a couple million.

    When you start making a series of bad decisions like letting Pat go, hiring Gregg Williams, signing Bennie Anderson, drafting Mike Williams, not filling holes on either line etc., adding Buffalo Billie--- they add up after a while and leave you with a non-playoff team.

    I'll give TD credit for getting the team under the cap, but can you honest tell me this team is any better now on the field than right before TD took over???? And why does this guy have to always say "we'll evaluate things at the end of the season" --- hasn't he ever heard of "in-season adjustments" when the games still count!

    Where are the playoff games? division titles? afc championships?? winning records??

    I'm sick of settling for mediocrity with this team and as a fellow Bills fan you should be too.

    OK, enough of my annual midseason meltdown

  2. My point, which apparently I suck at making this morning, is that this is not the only huge decision, medium decision or small decision he has made in the past five years. Should we start a thread every time he makes another decision? And better yet, should we start a thread a year after he's made the decision, long after anything can be done to change that decision?


    Pat is gone. Our run D sucks. Coincidence? Probably not. But every time I read one of these "Oh, and here's another thing I have the hindsight to criticize" thread, I'm reminded of some good advice at times like these: Nevermind the storms at sea. Let's get the ship in.


    Agreed nothing can be done now. ... By the way, where is Captain Donahoe steering the Bills' ship???? I wonder if he was the captain of the Titanic in a previous life

  3. I can't help but wonder how quick people like yourself would be to nickle and dime every single decision made in another person's career if people got to nickle and dime every single decision you made in your life.


    "Oh, I can't believe RJSackedAgain opted to promote Bill in Accounting when it's obvious that Sue in Accounting is the one making all the good decisions. Yet another in a long list of boneheaded career moves RJSackedAgain has made. He is clearly making moves that are holding the company back, and yet the owner of the company keeps him on payroll! It's astounding."


    ;)  :lol:  :lol:


    Ooops, sorry didn't realize that was you TD reading my post. ... Letting Big Pat was a huge decision, not a minor one as you seem to think. Williams was a big reason why the Bills were a top-notch defense last year. And not only can he play, but he's a good clubhouse guy too

  4. Uh, hello!  Did we NOT see firsthand how Pat looks when he's all alone at DT?  It's called 2001 and 2002, people, when he was younger and in his prime!  Now he's playing next to Pro Bowl DT Kevin Williams.  And his age and contract would have been an albatross for the Bills.  The Bills made the right move, although I wish someone had been able to step-in and fill his shoes.


    Hello, did you read the attached article to the post ..... sounds like Big Pat can do just fine without Kevin around

  5. Letting Pat Williams go and keeping Fat Sam Adams (I love the beer but hate this loafer), another fine decision by our fearless white-haired leader at 1 Bills Drive.

    This article says it all


    Pat Williams was asked if he had an explanation for Buffalo's decision to allow him to hit the free-agent market after last season.


    "They are dumb," he said. "That's all I can say. They are dumb as can be up there."



  6. Bennie would be gone, along with Teague. What exactly has Gandy done that says he's average at best? This guy is still raw and at the very least has brought the LT position a solid cost effective player. CV has been hurt all year, last year he was a great addition, now he sucks? Obviously the Bills want to try Peters out at RT, in one game he played he did a great job. A guy that’s played 1 game at RT his entire life, and plays that well probably has decent potential.


    This isn't Madden, the Bills can't or won't just switch out all 5 starters, nor should they.  We have a couple bad apples, and it just happens when you have a bad apple on the offensive line it makes the entire line look bad. We need to keep some cohesiveness, remove the bad apples, and replace them with guys that have a history, or potential to perform. Give or take a couple off-season additions and this line is not as bad as it looks.


    Vill and Gandy are average NFL linemen = they get the job done, but they are not all-pros. I have no problem with both on the line, but they aren't difference makers --- which is what Williams is supposed to be.

    Besides how raw can Gandy be, he's been in the league for four-plus years and started two in Chicago?

    Peters is raw, Gandy is a veteran. http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/235212


    LT -  Mike Gandy - cheap, but apparently very adequate and may get a bit better

    LG - Mike Williams - extremely expensive, but he could be dominant at the guard spot.  I think the Bills will try to get him to make some accomodation to bring his cap numbers down.

    Center - Duke Preston - cheap, but he might be pretty good

    RG - Chris Villarrial - fairly priced, not cheap but not too expensive.  He's starting to get long in the tooth but probably has a decent season or two left in him at least.

    RT - Jason Peters - bargain basement, but if Jim McNally is right in his assessment he could soon be the best lineman on the Bills.  The only question is when will he decide he ought to be paid more and demand a new contract?


    I'd like to see this line play for a few games --- it could have potential

  8. Williams makes a lot for a RT, or a LG,  but when you look at the overal investment in the line the Bills will still be in great shape.  Of course we hope he takes a pay cut, but I'm just trying to point out that it won't kill us if he doesn't.  I would also like to add that Mike Williams (When healthy) is the Bills most dominating lineman. We often lose sight of that becuaes of his draft position, and large contract.  I hope eventually we can just renegotiate him to a long term deal, one that provides some major up front cap relief.


    By the way did anybody see what happend when he was injured? Most guys would be done the year, the guy is truly banged up.


    so who exactly is good on the offensive line again???


    A. Teague - no

    B. Anderson - no

    C. Gandy --- average at best

    D. Peters --- unproven

    E. Villarrial --- average at best

  9. Yeah, all the more reason not to be signing either of them to a four year high $$  contract at this stage in their lives...Thanks for making that argument...


    what did Pat Williams sign for 3 years and $13 million .... let's see, we have Mike Williams at almost 10 mill and he can't do anything so signing Pat Williams --- who can play --- for about 4 mill a year is a bad idea????

  10. Will you feel the same way in a couple of seasons?  See, that's the really test.  It's easy to look at 8 games and flip out.  PW is an old interior lineman with alot of mileage.


    And Sam Adams is a spring chicken???? He's 32 and been in the league 12 years. Pat is 33 and been in the league 9 years. Who has more mileage????


    Adams has 14 tackles and 1 sack this year http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/3006


    Williams has 33 tackles and 1 sack http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/4539



    Looks like Sam is heading for the retirement home quicker than Pat

  11. Am I the only one who finds it ironic that a bunch of women at the club were bitching because the sex was taking too long? Since when do women B word because it's taking too long to have sex?


    Dollar to donuts if a man was involved in this they'd all be bitching that the sex didn't last long enough.



  12. That's about the way to put it.  You either have PW, or Gandy and Holcomb.  While from a talent perspective it doesn't seem like much of a fair trade, considering how much worse off we'd be without them put a different spin on it.


    Or you cut one of the fat useless guys like Adams or Mike Williams that just clog up space on the salary cap and keep someone who can play like Patrick Williams!!!

  13. Because he is over the hill and sucks in Minnesota.....Too put so much

    dollar against thte salary cap for a player beyond his good years would have

    been suicide...


    You would want your younger players to step up and that is where the

    coaching would have helped.....


    He sucks in Minnesota??? Do you even know what you are talking about?


    From the Star-Tribune two weeks ago:

    The Vikings might be tempted to stick with this simply because of the success Pat Williams had going against Bears center Olin Kreutz, a four-time Pro Bowl selection. Williams finished tied for the team lead with seven tackles and also forced a fumble.


    "He had a great game," Cottrell said.


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