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Posts posted by RJsackedagain

  1. Maybe she's like that woman who slept with Dr.J so she could have a child who grew up to be a tennis star.  Then again, there are better athletes working at ESPN than Sean Salsbury!




    Wait, I always thought she slept with Dr. J to get free chapstick

  2. My inside sources (yes, that means more than one) tell me that Sherman is a done deal but they haven't signed a contract yet.  Also, both he and the Bills are free in the meantime to negotiate with other coaches/teams to try and get a better deal for themselves and if that happens either can opt out with no penalty.  If that occurs, the Bills will hire Jauron providing they don't get hung up in contract negotiations.  Since they expect there to be no problems with the Sherman deal, they haven't bothered to negotiate with Jauron so that would take a day or two if Sherman gets lured by a better deal.  If Jauron and the Bills can't agree on a contract, the Bills will definitely hire Caldwell because he has been highly recommended to Marv and Ralph by none other than Bill Polian.  The new coach will be announced next week during a morning press conference, possibly as early as monday but no later than wednesday.


    The only thing this message is missing are the words "ESPN reports" before it :blink:

  3. Becareful what you wish for.

    Miami is a team on the rise unlike Buffalo.  <_<


    Yes, but what happens when MM gets ripped a new a--hole by Saban for a bad call in a game or the fans of Fishville start to bust on him for shabby calls ----- we he run and cry like he did in Buffalo and then resign???


    Once a quitter, always a quitter!!!!

  4. My friend is Joe Vitt's sister.  He was the interim coach for the Rams.  She told me that Martz was a crazy meddler when he was told to stay away from the Rams this year.  He would call Joe's house at all hours.


    According to coffee boy Peter King, Ralph was calling TD and Mularkey all the time and taking away from their work. So, maybe Martz and Ralph would be perfect together

  5. The top story on the Channel 7 11:00 newscast tonight was...Jim Haslett has not yet been interviewed by the Bills but told Channel 7 that he has made informal contact with team officials.


    Top story.


    Not in sports.  Top story overall.


    I am serious. 


    Holy God.


    I heard their other top story was that chicken wings have arrived in Buffalo

  6. Oh! So THAT'S why TD sucked so bad and Williams and Mularkey couldn't get it done. They were on the phone so much with Ralph. It's all very clear to me now.


    Thanks Peter King. Bet your phone never rings, does it.


    Apparently that headset that Mularkey wore on the sidelines was so he could talk to Ralph during the game, not his assistant coaches. ... Good Job PK, now go get yourself another cup of java and continue to blow Manning

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