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Posts posted by RJsackedagain

  1. I did not pick up on that.


    Too bad Edgar didn't do a more dramtic death scene, in an effort to get an Emmy.


    So much for the love scenes between Edgar and Chloe .... or for that matter their tea session scheduled for the end of the day

  2. I'd love to know why Ralph voted against it.  Was it becuase it caved in to the rich owners, or was Ralph just holding on to unrealistic terms?




    If we want to know the real reason behind Ralph's vote we need to check with Soprano and his "sources deep within" :blink:

  3. NFLPA & the NFL owners are meeting face-to-face today in New York, and it seems that we may see an agreement on a new labor deal... (Mort said : fairly optimistic...)


    Did Mort report there's a 50/50 chance they get a deal done this weekend???

  4. Kate looks so much better going sans makeup...same with Libby.


    And I have to say that I thought Claire's performance was pretty over the top last night...just a touch of overacting.


    I wonder who knocked up Sun...and don't look at me!  I was too busy with the ranch dressing!  :doh:


    Well, according to Soprano's sources deep within, Walt is the father of Sun's child.

  5. Anyone else wonder where on the island or airplane claire found the eyeliner and makeup for yesterdays episode. Libby, danielle and kate looked normal, claire looked all done up.


    Maybe she made a deal with Sawyer, he runs the 7-11 on the island. Looks like next episode he's peddling home pregnancy tests.

  6. It seemed out of character for Locke to spazz out after talking to the prisoner.  It was so cliche: "Why do you let the doctor makes all the decisions?"


    After that transparent attempt to divide and conquer by the prisoner, Locke's character should have said "nice try".  This direction seems forced (unless Locke WANTS to play this role and he and Jack are setting this whole thing up- good cop bad cop, so Locke can get info out of the prisoner...hmmm)


    Don't think Locke and Jack will be good cop/bad cop with their guest, I think Locke's just got some mental baggage from life ... but of course we won't be able to find out next week because Lost is once again taking a week off for a repeat.

    I agree with Stojan that was the best episode this season, but why do they have to take so many breaks with this show???

  7. Matthews always talks about the horses for way too long. Nobody cares, but he has such a gambling problem he always obsesses about horse racing.


    And now he's betting on the kid. I jeard he dropped a few grand on whether teh kid would suit up last night.

    The best part about this story is the D/C slept through it for about a week until it made national news --- now they are falling over themselves trying to cover him. :unsure:

  8. Are you kidding?  Wow.the Ax has come out.


    I wont recognize this team next year....unless we go 4-12, then I might.


    Say what??? They cut Williams, Adams, Milloy and Campbell, and this loses the identity of the team for you??

    You ever heard of Lee Evans, Willis McGahee, Takeo Spikes, Terrence McGee and London Fletcher??



    Williams had to go, Adams and Milloy are starting to show their age and are the Bills really going to miss Campbell?? Doubt they will.

  9. Fans fell in love with this guy Bill Kollar, because you could see and hear him from the upper deck, screaming at guys when they came off the field.  Passionate, they called him.


    Yet the past few years, you could see tumbleweeds blowing thru the holes in the line, following running backs past the whiffers.


    The Rams, who do not know how to draft, have 3 first round picks on the defensive line.  Damione Lewis, Ryan Pickett, and Jimmy Kennedy.  Kollar has failed to make these guys productive.  Maybe it was the overall scheme of the coordinator, Larry Marmie....Mike Martz's best buddy who he snagged away from the mighty Arizona Cardinals.


    Ryan Pickett is looking for a 20 million dollar deal, and if that's what it would take to get him to Buffalo, I'd say no way. 


    Bryce Fisher developed during Kollar's tenure.  Maybe he helped in that area.


    I may be wrong about this guy.  He does yell and scream, yet the defense in St. Louis is abominable.




    Sounds like the Bills old line coach Chris Farley, oops, I mean Carl Mauck

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