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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Could someone tell me why exactly my posts in here (not the first one) got deleted/removed? I just don't get it....
  2. Wish it wasn't going to happen so late at night. If it was totallity at 1230am then I might stay up for it, but no way I can see this and still function tomorrow. Oh well......
  3. I doubt TSA stole your stuff. Probably the throwers.
  4. Because I believe that terrorists do want to attack and kill americans here in the this country, I don't consider reporting on legitimate threats to be fear mongering. I think a little different that some people. I don't live in fear, I carry on my life as I would otherwise. I do however take the warning to heart, and regularly think about what I will do if the unthinkable happens. I would not go to a large sporting event/concert/etc. without having a plan. I would make sure my loved ones knew what to do and when to do it. I also would protect my family with my life if necessary. Running around aimlessly or even worse in a panicked state after or during an attack will do nothing if not cause my/your demise. So what if the media is reporting on terror threats? It just reminds me that we are at war with terrorists, and they really want attack us here again. Or, you can walk around with your head up your ass.... you pick.
  5. You missed my point.......... I never said it was an excuse for a heinous act, I just stated that I might understand where he was coming from......
  6. I didn't ask you if you were afraid, I asked if you didn't believe that they are going to attack us again.
  7. Does this mean that you don't believe that they are actually going to hit us again?
  8. Pretty cool pictures and article. Waterfall, what waterfall?
  9. I have to say this is not recent news. We (USA) have known about AQ's interest in targeting large gatherings (concerts, sporting events, amusement parks) since shortly after 9/11. Not sure what you posted though, videos do not work here at work!
  10. This guy was a looney, and gun control wouldn't have done a thing to prevent him from doing this. Thank god there was an armed LE officer at the location who was able to engage the subject. Most schools/public buildings are exempt from concealed carry laws, meaning that even if you have a permit to carry a gun, you CANNOT carry it in a school or other publicly owned building. Perhaps if other people that were in attendance at the meeting had been carrying, then maybe this nut job would have been taken down sooner. We'll never know. I think this article puts the entire thing into some perspective On Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs....
  11. Music? and of course, conservative talk radio....... What else is there?
  12. He told police: "I received a phone call anonymously that my daughter was involved with a guy 40 years older than her. You said you couldn't stop him - so I did. "I saw it as my duty as a father." Damn! Can't say I totally disagree with him........
  13. Sorry, I just don't see the big deal with "commercial free radio". I do pay for cable. There isn't much good on rabbit ear TV these days. There is however plenty of good stuff on the FREE radio I listen to. As far as my budget goes, 2 kids, and wife that is not currently working, which means we live on one salary, so, every penny counts.
  14. Exactly. Radio I have to pay for is something that I don't need. End of story...
  15. 20 million people that don't think the way I do. I would rather spend the money on taking my kids to a museum or buying them something. Also, 20 million people agree with you, the other 174 million in the 18 to 64 age range agree with me.
  16. Who cares? When Stern left regular radio I stopped listening. If there is one thing I am never going to pay for, it is radio (which I can listen to for free right now).
  17. A better question would be... How do I delete a duplicate topic/thread/question?
  18. Now that I think about it, I really like the idea that everyone is infected, and when you die you become a walker. This would support the story that everything was overwhelmed and overrun. If a person had to be bitten by a zombie to become one, then the govt./military/law enforcment would be able to contain the infection by killing zombies and carefully disposing of them. However if everyone is infected, and all previous dead people also were infected, then the number of zombies would be overwhelming. I think this is further supported by the woman (1/2 woman) crawling across the park in the first episode. She was obvioulsy dead for a long time (decay everywhere) and she was a walker, maybe she came out of the ground as a dead person? Again, I can't wait for next season.
  19. Wow, can't wait for next season. Everyone being infected makes perfect sense, and his wife being pregnant is a perfect twist. Maybe both will happen, maybe not. Will definately be interesting to see. Awesome show. I want to read the comic series/book, but also don't want to ruin the show at the same time. This series reminds me of the Stephen King book, "the Stand"
  20. Back in 1995 or so, I met this guy from Japan who was in NYC and was going out to Ellis Island to visit. He had been held at Ellis Island during WWII as a prisoner of war. His english wasn't great, but I believe he had been captured in the Pacific during a navy battle, and ended up at Ellis Island. Anyway, one thing I could understand was that he was complaining about his treatment when he was at Ellis Island because the bulk of POW's there were German, and they only made German food for the prisoners. He was really irate about how this was such terrible treatment.... I agreed with him, and told him if it was up to me we would have treated him the way our guys got treated by Japan, make him walk all day and then cut his head off for fun.... He got pissed, (I'm pretty sure he swore at me in Japanese), and then walked off. No doubt he understood what I said though. Worse than that is my girlfriend who was with me was pissed because she did not believe what I was saying was true.
  21. Hey, I read Highlights with my 3 year old all the time.
  22. Uranus is a long way from the earth, no way this would cause any problems there.....
  23. Wow After reading all of this thread, I have a hypothesis....... Admit it, you voted for Obama because he is black, and you felt you needed to apologize for the sins of other white people. You never bothered to look at his qualifications.
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