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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Why would you keep starting the person who WILL NOT be here next year. Start LOSMAN. Do it, I dare yaa.
  2. Let me explain this in a more simple format.... You are the top brass in the Army. You have a newly developed tank that is not proven. You are in the middle of a war, and the tank you currently use is made of cardboard. Your guys are getting slaughtered but you don't want to use an unproven tank even though your getting slaugtered. So, you keep using the cardboard, even though you know that next year, you are not going to use it anymore. BLEDSOE IS THE CARDBOARD TANK!!!!! Start Losman
  3. If they keep starting the LOSER (I have officially changed his name from Bledsoe to LOSER) I will not be going to the games. My season ticks will be available if anyone is interested.
  4. He looks like he just got his ass handed to him, Oh, wait a minute, he did! That is the look of a loser who has seen the enemy, and he is it! He is done, finished. Start JP next week. I am going to the game next week, and I am hoping we see JP. With Bledsoe done, there is no way Bledsoe is the starter next year, then why not start JP. Matthews won't be here next year so we have to start JP!
  5. Bledsoe is done, accept it. Matthews will not be here next year. Start JP, we have to. We may not win, but it is a step in the right direction (AWAY FROM BLEDSOE).
  6. Only thing getting us in the playoffs is a disaster happening to other teams. I mean like their team bus gets hit by a meteor or something. Something trully terrible. We are finished for this year. Start Losman at home against the Rams and see what he can do. Do you really think Bledsoe will be the starter next year? Do you really think Matthews will be the starter next year? The answer to both of those questions is NO! If you think otherwise you are drunk, drugged, crazy or all of the above. Start Losman and let him learn. We may not win, but at least we would be moving in the right direction. (AWAY FROM BLEDSOE)
  7. Start the future....... JP JP JP JP JP JP JP JP JP Please start Losman, Bledsoe is done, finished!
  8. Don't start a QB who has no future here (Matthews, and Bledsoe) Start Losman, give him all the snaps this week. Let him play against the Rams.
  9. Playing Matthews next week would be a mistake. You would be better with Drew in there. Matthews is not going to be our QB next year. Play Losman or play Drew. Oh yeah, Bledsoe is done, he is finished. So I guess you have to play Losman.
  10. How can you say he was Rob Johnson? That is a very uneducated statement. I would bet he did not get one snap with the starting offense all week. Then he gets thrown in against the Pats. Please! They should have put in Matthews who was the backup. Losman will be much much much better with real prep time. Let him start next week. PLEASE. Bledsoe is just terrible, nice guy and all but terrible as a OB. I think we need a QB, not a nice guy in there. START LOSMAN!
  11. I really like DB. But, I have to admit, he was terrible, he was worse than terrible, he looked like a lost child back there. I think he had sufficient time to do something in the game, the blocking wasn't perfect, but he could not do anything. Get Losman ready and start him next week. Putting him in last night was a bad idea. I doubt he even got one snap from the #1 offense last week. It was so depressing last night......
  12. Ultimate worst... I live in Boston, invited a couple of friends over to watch the game. They are pats fans. I had to sit through the entire game and listen to remarks the whole time. God we suck! I did manage to polish off 14 beers though. It helped, a little. Except I don't think I have enought beer for next week now. God we suck!
  13. 1st Degree for Laci 2nd Degree for Baby Connor Guilty on both!!!!!
  14. I agree, 20 points for the PATS would probably win it, Only problem is your not gonna score 20 points. BILLS 20 PATS 13
  15. I feel good about this game, Our D is awesome, and Milloy is back. We are much better than we were in the first contest. Our O is finally breaking out. We cannot afford to make any mistakes, and we need to RUN RUN RUN. If we run a lot, they will have to commit to stopping it and then we can pass. Evans and Moulds should come up big. Lets hope the Refs call a fair game (shock, gasp,) There D is overrated (They beat the rams last week (ONLY TEAM TO LOSE TO MIAMI)). There beat up D should give us an advantage. Our ST are quite good. BILLS 20 - - - - - - PATS 13
  16. I know this is old but.... Do you know what OJ stands for? OPEN JUGULAR I heard OJ was going to come back to play football after he was found not guilty.... Said " I'll take another stab at it." I hope Peterson is Guilty, everyone knows he did it, but it is California.
  17. Did you read Pete's post? Can you read? Go away...... BILLS 20 Pats 13
  18. Fire up and feeling fine........... Bills 20 - - - - - - Pats 13 Our D should have a big game!
  19. The key to the game for us is..... RUN RUN RUN RUN Once we get it going, then open it up with a few passes. If we run we elliminate the blitz that has been known to confuse DB. Once they stop blitzing and commit to stopping the run, then we hit them with the passes. The Pats D is overrated. Look how the Steelers took them apart. I think our D is going to have a big day. Having Milloy back is HUGE. " ITs first and 10 from the 32 and the ball is handed off to Willis McGayhee." "Its second and 4 from the 38 and the ball is handed off to Willis McGayhee" You get the picture...... Bills 20 - - - - - - Pats 13
  20. God, Please ohh Please let the Bills win this weekend. I think the game will be close, the Pats D is overrated with the injuries, offensive players on defense should work to our benefit. Pats fans think they have the best team, which they may have, but they only beat the Rams last week (They lost to Miami remember!). On the other hand, our offense is still not quite there. I just want DB to have a good game. An error free game on offense for us should spell VICTORY! My prediction Bills 20, Pats 13. WE CAN DO IT!!!! I agree Moulds should have a big night, Evans too. Don't even get me started talking about Willis........
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