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Everything posted by BB27

  1. I seriousloy think there could be a riot if that happens.
  2. I gotta tell ya, The line is not as bad as Bledsoe makes it look. His three good games he did some things well, and the line shined as a result. When Bledsoe gets confused, he just stands there, or dances on happy feet and can't do anything, and then gets sacked. A different QB (more mobile, and a better head) would really make the O line look good. I think Williams is more a question of coaching than anything else. Giving a kid that kind of money and expecting him to be a mature football player is a rediculous concept. I don't think there is much discipline on the team, so he is doing what he wants. The contract Williams got is terrible. Should have been based on performance IMO. I guess I'm saying get rid of Bledsoe and use some psychology on Williams and things could get better.
  3. Its official, the public has spoken, START JP LOSMAN!!!!
  4. Somehow I'm sure I can blame this on George Bush, the war in Iraq, the economy, etc......
  5. 1. I hate the Pats. 2. I think they would love to see Indy again at Foxboro. 3. I think they would be willing to play anyone at Foxboro. 4. The worse part is, I think they would win, against Indy, anyone right now. Remember to keep refering to #1
  6. I don't want him canned. He is feeling exactly the same way I am. I just love this sinking ship to much to give up on it. The ultimate irony is I'll be in my seats on Sunday irregardless of who starts, and I'll buy the extra seat when they become available. People are taking this to seriosly.
  7. Ahh, hell. The guy was extremely helpful. He was just down in the dumps clearly. Maybe they'll can donohoe or bledsoe. Just start Losman on Sunday and I'll be there in my seats.
  8. I called the Bills ticket office to get information on changing my season tickets. Basically I want to add a seat (currently have 3) and move over one section and down about 10 rows. First the guy who answers laughs when I tell him what I want, and then says, "after last night, you have got to be kidding." Then he actually asked me if I wouldn't rather cancel my tickets instead. We finished our conversation with him saying, "do what you want, it's your money." He did say he was utterly disgusted in last nights game. Even the employees see the season as over. Now I'm not so sure I want that extra seat.....
  9. Totally agree. Henry could never pick up the Blitz, and then when he did, he couldn't block worth a ****. WM will only get better with age. Now all we need is a QB.
  10. I generally will not pull for another AFC team, but I do like Indy. Then again anyone but the pats would work for me. Living in Boston and being a Bills/Sabres/Mets fan is really tough. I lost 1986 this year, and cannot take another pats superbowl victory. If any of my friends come up to me and say "how many superbowl rings do the Bills have" again, I might hurt someone. On the NFC side I am definately pulling for Green Bay and Farve. He is trully Mr. Football.
  11. Yes, it was one glowing moment in a very dark place. Also the run back for the TD was nice. Which was quickly deflated by the offence not being able to get two points with two attempts.
  12. Can I have some of whatever it is your using? Please? I need the pain to end..............
  13. I like Drew. But, the best thing he could do to help this team win, is TAKE A SEAT. He is killing us. I'm not questioning his good intentions, his heart, or how brave he is. I'm just calling it like I see it. He should sit, start Losman next week and see where it gets us. Drew could use a break.
  14. Good post, excellent observations. Unfortunately, I am more depressed now than I was a few minutes ago. I know I brought a bottle of booze to work for a reason.......
  15. Willis has one bad game out of 4. I can't fault him for the piss poor performance of the entire team. I hate to say it, but the loss of this game falls right on Bledsoe. I know people are going to say it is the defenses fault that the pats scored all those points, but I remember the days that our offense could stay in any game no matter what the score. Bledsoe throwing those picks, and walking around like a lost child is what killed us.
  16. I guess my thought is to let Losman play when he still actually has a chance to lead the team. Letting Bledsoe play only puts us further in the hole. Let the kid play, he might surprise us and really lead. We might win, we might not, but it only puts us in better shape for next year. We have to accept that Bledsoe is done, and our season is as good as over as well.
  17. I think they were to nice to him. He is a loser. Can someone send this article to Ralph Wilson and MM? Please start Losman.
  18. Drew is trully a nice guy. That being said, we need a QB, not a nice guy. He is done, JP is the future. We need to get him ready to lead, and we do that by having Bledsoe take a seat and letting him start.
  19. Great, start a rookie on the road in Miami, that would be real smart. Start JP next week. There is no other choice.
  20. I put this in another thread, but it is appropriate here as well... Let me explain this in a more simple format.... You are the top brass in the Army. You have a newly developed tank that is not proven. You are in the middle of a war, and the tank you currently use is made of cardboard. Your guys are getting slaughtered but you don't want to use an unproven tank even though your getting slaugtered. So, you keep using the cardboard, even though you know that next year, you are not going to use it anymore. BLEDSOE IS THE CARDBOARD TANK!!!!! Start Losman
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