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Everything posted by BB27

  1. What he said. PETA? (People Eating Tasty Animals)
  2. The snowman was obviously jaywalking in violation of the local ordinance. I say the bus driver did a service to all of humanity.....
  3. Hopefully. I really liked the books, until,,,,,,,,, he wrote himself into them... What a waste....
  4. Yeah, what he said.
  5. Another FESTIVUS miracle.....
  6. FRANK: Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reach for the last one they had - but so did another man. As I rained blows opon him, I realized there had to be another way! KRAMER: What happened to the doll? FRANK: It was destroyed. But out of that, a new holiday was born. "A Festivus for the rest of us!" KRAMER: That musta been some kind of doll. FRANK: She was.
  7. Holocaust museum although entirely depressing is 100% worth the time to see it. It should be a must see for anyone going down there. Hard to explain how something so depressing could be so worthwhile. You'll understand if you go. Went with a bunch of other people from work when we were in DC for training for 2 weeks. After we left the museum no one really had much to say for a couple of hours.
  8. North Korea has an active military of roughly 1.1 million, but could maybe field 2x that by conscripting non-military persons. Whether or not they would be capable of fighting (non-military persons) would be the ultimate question. Could North Korea maintain the fight for very long without significant assistance from China, probably not. I suspect we are there because we don't want to let China have the final say in Korea. Global politics factors into it heavily. Japan probably wants us there more than the South Koreans.
  9. I have to be very careful....... I don't want to be accused of blaming the victim......
  10. I never absolved them. I specifically stated that if they could be identified then arrest and prosecute them. Oh great poster, show me where I said that you were totally at fault for this. I said it was not smart to put wrapped packages in your checked baggage. Also, I believe I also posted that technically TSA says that you SHOULD NOT put electronics in your checked baggage. Your right, I'm wrong oh great poster....... You still haven't answered if you reported the theft to the police?
  11. I'm the troll but you don't answer questions. Right. Did you report it to the police? Or do you just want the airlines to reimburse you for the packages you claim you put in your checked baggage. Be careful, be very very careful.....
  12. This your post: The issue I'd have with going public (although Im seriously considering it), is the airline itself has been good to me over the years. When I contacted their lost and found they seemed amenable to reimbursing me and Emailed me a claim form. They indicated they've been having a lot of problems with the Newark airport, and part of this stems from the baggage handlers working for the airport and not the airline. Again, this airport is in the heart of Jets country, literally a mile or two from the stadium as the crow flies ... If I decide to go public, what should I do? Send an Email to various news sources? Again, call me what you want. . . . . . . .
  13. You said you were going to go to the media. I laughed at that since it seems to be a pretty silly story, and even joked that it would make you look bad (censored/deleted posts). I agree, there are serious security issues with people who have access to aircraft. Security is just a smokescreen to make the sheep feel like they are being protected. Hopefully you already know this. I love the fact that because I don't agree with you, my posts get deleted/censored, and then you call me a troll. This makes your actions (right or wrong) a ok! Fine, go to the airline and try to get your stuff paid for. I am sorry you lost your stuff, and maybe I have been a bit harsh..... If I was you, I would file a report with the NY/NJ Port Authority PD. They probably stand a better chance of catching the person who did it. They might even know who is doing it. Oh yeah, Merry Christmas, but I will definately have something to say during the FESTIVUS airing of the grievances.....
  14. Also, once they open your bag to look for the electronic components, they are going to go through everything. Clocks and hairdryers aren't usually wrapped. Never said TSA took your stuff, you did. I posted that I bet it was the throwers. You know that they are probably watching TSA go through the bags......
  15. Again, you totally missed the point . . . . . . . . . Hurry up and get out your censor pen......
  16. Why no response to my question about you censoring posts you don't like?
  17. Did you know that TSA can open any wrapped package contained in your checked baggage? Did you also know that electronic items should not be packed in your checked luggage? Packing an electronic device in your checked luggage almost guarantees that TSA will physically inspect your bag. They see wires on the xray, they open your bag. All of this information is available on the TSA website, did you check that out before you decided to fly? Call me what you want. The reference to gambling was a qoute from the movie CASABLANCA and it was meant to draw a correlation between your statement that you were running to the media because they would probably be shocked that someone who put expensive items in checked baggage had them stolen. Shocked that there is gambling going on in casablanca. Shocked that someone would steal your expensive items you put in your checked bags. Sorry I didn't make that clear. Casablanca is a great movie IMO.
  18. What kind of hot dogs? Zweigles?
  19. Now your spinning my words. If you put your clothes in your checked baggage, no one will steal them. If you put your laptop in your checked luggage there is a good chance it will be gone. Not saying it's right, just saying only an idiot puts valuable items in their checked bags. I try to never check a bag. Carry it on, or ship it ahead. I went on a major climbing expedition in the mid 90's. Hundreds of pounds of climbing equipment, I shipped all of it in advance because I was not going to chance not having the gear at my destination. I figured, only an idiot would put $1000's of dollars worth of climbing equipment in thier checked bags........... Again, all I'm saying is don't put valuable items in checked bags. Especially items that are wrapped. It's like having a beacon on your bag saying "valuable stuff steal from me." I'm sorry you lost your stuff. I'm sorry that the world has bad people in it. I'm sorry that you were forced to do this and it didn't turn out okay. It is just a bulletin board after all......... Comparing a baggage thief to a terrorist and a rapist is so appropriate........ Also, if these were Christmas presents, why couldn't you ship them? Christmas is still a couple of days away. Also, I think you already said you didn't want to be inconvenienced or have to pay for shipping. Just calling them like I see them. Nice to know you can get posts deleted when you don't like them. Essentially, you can say what you want, but everyone else has to get through your censor.
  20. What comes to mind when I hear the word "conner"? Easy.... SSI - govt. trough or Daddy left me this....
  21. Essentially, here is the difference between the way I see things, and the way you and the OP see things. I am fully ready to take responsibility for my actions. If I do something stupid (like putting wrapped presents or expensive items in my checked luggage) then I am willing to accept responsibility for my stupidity and not TRY TO BLAME SOMEONE ELSE when they get stolen. The OP should have known not to put these items in his checked luggage. If the perpetrator can be identified, then have them arrested/prosecuted but don't expect the airlines to pay or talk about running to the media to have them run a story on theft from luggage. Like they don't know about it, and that the rest of america might be shocked.... To qoute from Casablanca "I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here."
  22. And you have proof of this?
  23. I guess I was saying, why is this the airlines fault? Find the throwers, or TSA people who stole the stuff and prosecute them. Don't however make the airline pay for it. Again, my earlier post was admitantly laced with good Sarcasm. I believe there was a Festivus reference as well.
  24. Basically said the poster or anyone for that matter that puts wrapped presents in checked bags is an idiot, and that instead of looking for the airline to pay for thier stupidity they should look in the mirror since the problem is right in front of them. But it was much better and laced with good sarcasm......
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