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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Allright, this has gone to far, First we had people saying they didn't care because they didn't like that kind of beer. Now we have someone saying they drink zima????? What has this world come to?
  2. I'm going to the game Sunday, and I would love to see an old fashioned Romp by the Bills. My brother is coming in from LA to see the game, so I want him to see a good one. My prediction: Bills 42 Cleveland 6
  3. I am outraged that some people have the nerve to come on this board and say I don't like that kind of beer, so I could care less.... How dare you!!!! It's BEER god damn it!!! What kind of football watching, beer drinking man are you? If your at the game tailgating, and you have to choose between beer you don't like, or water, which one are you taking? I would hope that you take the beer.................
  4. I gotta vote for the PATS just because it's total BS that the Super Bowl chimps have basically the same schedule that we have. How do the chimps play Cleveland?????? I remember when the Second Best team for many years in a row (that would be the BILLS) had the second hardest schedule. I can understand having to play teams in your division twice, but come on, Cleveland?????? Oh yeah, did I say I hate tom brady?
  5. AUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did they at least rescue the unbroken ones??????? I'm sure there is some way the liberals can pin this on George W. Bush.
  6. Think about it next time you are going to hang up on them..... http://www.wftv.com/newsofthestrange/3977271/detail.html
  7. You mean all the people in the urban areas on Welfare? Those are the states you are talking about. Please oh please go to Canada. Then I could have a Christmas party, my kids could sing Christmas carols, etc. The liberals leaving would be awesome......
  8. Yes there was an election.... The majority of Americans voted for George W. Bush. The rest want to move to Canada.
  9. Damn, I screwed that up. It did feel like 3 - 13 though......
  10. Of all the teams I would like to play in week one, Indy is it. Manning is always bad in the playoffs..... Our D could look good against this team.
  11. Did anyone notice the look on Feeley's face when big pat picked him? AJ was all over Spikes when he got picked earlier in the game, but he took one look at big Pat, and let him run into the endzone for the TD. It reminded me of the Bills/Miami game when we made Ray Lucas cry in the snow in Buffalo. 9 - 7 would be a great end of the season after going 3 - 13 last year........
  12. I agree, but..... I bet Pittsburgh and New England will go into the last game of the season with the same record. Which means we will have to play the 100% Steelers team, because they will need a win to remain tied with the Pats, and then they get home field because of the tie breaker..... I think it is possible for us to win our remaining games, even the 100% Steeler team.
  13. Good Post! I have to admit, I am becoming a regular Bledsoe basher, but I also have to say.... He did very well yesterday. He threw some bad passes, but he recovered and was able to go back out and throw good ones on the next series. He did not fall down after throwing the picks. This team looked good for one week, lets hope we can do the same in Miami next week. I hate to say it, but if Bledsoe can play the rest of the season like he did yesterday, and we win a bunch more games, I really can't see him not being the starter next year. Any thoughts? Anybody? Anybody? Bueller?
  14. I would have loved to see JP start this weekend. BUT, I don't think we are going to see it very soon. Maybe the Cleveland game? I am no longer supporting Bedsore, but I do think he will rebound, and have a decent game on Sunday. If we win with Bedsore, we are not going to see JP for at least a few more weeks. Even if Bedsore loses bad a week from Sunday, MM is just going to say he played really well against the Rams, so there is no reason to sit him, blah, blah, blah....... I'm just hoping that we see JP start a few times this season so he is ready for next year....
  15. I agree we need to start him when he is ready, but I hope we are not just waiting out some MM/TD fantasy that Bedsore is going to come around and win it for us.
  16. Good computer place, and they have a decent internet site www.microcenter.com
  17. Iff MM had pulled Bedsore after the first quarter, then it would be over for him as a starting QB. Getting replaced after the 1st Q when your not injured = BENCHED.
  18. If MM is being told Bedsore is your starter, then what else is he going to say? Look how many times Bedsore has had the time to throw and threw the ball in the dirt. THere were plenty during the PAts game. He just has no ability left. If he has time, he stares at his reciever irregardless of who else is open and then either throws so hard no one could catch it, or low, or behind,,,,,,,
  19. God that was a long post.......... The OLine is not as bad as everyone thinks. Bedsore makes it much worse that it is. A different QB (JP) with some mobility and pocket prescence would really make them look good. Bedsore just can't do it. When he gets the time he throws in the dirt or a pick. We gotta ride this out with this team with one small change........Bedsore OUT, JP in.
  20. Please no more rookie head coaches. And, even though I am not a big MM fan, we gotta stick with him for a little while. Another change would just mean more years of terrible games, and depression. It is interesting that TD suppossedly made it a condition that Bedsore had to be the QB. Do you think this is just TD's ego, or does Ralph have a hand in it. I think Ralph has got to be part of it. I hope someone sees the light soon......
  21. I think the bottom line here is that with Bedsore back there, any defense with talent can exploit his weekness. Blitz, blitz, blitz, and then once you rattle him, let him do the work for you (the happy feet, the happy feet!!!!!!). Once Bedsore throws a pick, or fumbles the ball he CANNOT recover. Remember the days of Jim Kelly? He would throw a pick, slap himself in the helmet, and then go back out a series later and get a TD. Bedsore cannot do this at all. I do think the line is not that bad. A new QB (JP) would really show us what they are capable of. I only blame TD for sticking with Bedsore at this point, some other things he has done would really be good for us if we just had a new QB.
  22. I'm not saying Flutie wasn't good, he was great to watch, but, he was not the answer to our problems. He was a very short term solution to our franchise QB problem. RJ was a bad choice for a franchise QB. When he wouldn't even buy his own property in Buffalo, I knew he was an !@#$. Bledsoe was the same as Flutie, a short term solution. We need to move on to the future, Losman may be it, he may not, but we have to give it a try and see. A veteran QB next season just puts us back in the same position next year, needing to bite the bullet and start some young guy. Waiting until next year to start Losman makes no sense either, since the obvious is stareing at us...... Bedsore is done.
  23. There is no way I want to live through another Flutie exercise. We need to make the switch to Losman and see if it works. We have to accept that it is going to take a few years to do it. I don't mean we should keep starting Bedsore, but we can't expect Losman to be this miracle cure. We should start him soon so he starts getting the practice. The way I see it, Bledsoe was just another Flutie, a short term solution. We need a franchise QB, not a veteran to come in and play average football.
  24. RJ would be the way to go, but listening to MM it wouldn't matter who the backup was or who was available, Bledsoe played well enough to keep starting. Was MM even at the game Sunday?
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