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Everything posted by BB27

  1. He may go into a shell, but he has never been afraid to take a hit.
  2. Won't it be crazy if a 5 and 9 team makes the playoffs and ends up in the super bowl?
  3. Heres another... I bought a map of the US that's actual size.... At the bottom the scale says, "1 mile = 1 mile."
  4. A win is a win is a win. I tried to make that as simple as possible.
  5. If the Patsies lose next week, they will slip considerably. Right now everyone (media) is just going to say it was a fluke.
  6. Forgot the link.... http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/powerranking
  7. ESPN has us at 8 now. Things are finally taking shape.
  8. Clearly broken bones aren't factored in either. Also, the fact that he was injured half of the time should be taken into account.
  9. If TH and FM are telling the truth, then why not take the new bet? If you don't take the new bet, then please just let if go.......
  10. Okay, The airing of the grievances isn't supposed to happen until FESTIVUS (Dec. 23rd)
  11. Willis is the man, but, I know I'm gonna get creamed for this, but Bledsoe has been getting it done.
  12. Everyone who is still bi%$hing about Bledsoe. He is our man right now. We have to support him.
  13. He is, like most other TV announcers, an IDIOT. He just had to find a way to hide his man-boy love crush on Brady. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
  14. Another FESTIVUS miracle!!!! (Brady lost this game......... Gay boy actually wasn't as great as they thought. Not that there's anything wrond with that.)
  15. I really hate to say it, but I did figure the Patsies for another Superbowl this year. Not that they'd win it, but that they would be there. I was shocked last night to see Brady throw that incredibly stupid pass. I sat there dumbfounded after he threw it. (I was just a bit happy too!!) Ironic how we are clicking and playing real well, and the Patsies couldn't beat Miami. Here is Beantown the reality is setting in that they will not have home field advantage for the playoffs. Now we have to make sure we don't have a let down next week against the 49ers and go into the Steelers game knowing we can make the playoffs. Another FESTIVUS miracle!!!
  16. As it stands right now, I'm there...... Got three tickets and two other bills fans.....
  17. A win is a win is a win is a win..... What does the Jags winning do to our chances?? Anybody?
  18. It wasn't raining against Cleveland. It was snowing, we all got wet. I am concerned about his fumble though. Willis himself has been heard bit$#ing about the cold. It is really going to be cold today, I hope he holds on and plays well. I do think they should practice outdoors in the cold to get ready. Not sure if MM is doing that though.
  19. As long as we have 0 (ZERO) offensive turnovers we will win. If we force Kitna to throw a lot, then the D should come up with some big plays.......
  20. Well, It's friday, a couple of minutes from going home time...... I have two things to say: GOD BLESS AMERICA! And I hope the Bills destroy the Bungles!
  21. Doesn't matter if it was US or not. Somewhere, there are young kids being taken advantage of. Our FBI works very hard to work with foreign countries to stop this unnatural behavior. Pick up a phone report it.....unless you have something to hide.....
  22. Yeah, and those Patsies Cheerleaders are all incredible..... Some look like they grew up in somerville, under the McGrath
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