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Everything posted by BB27

  1. I think, Denver and Ravens are out, Bills are in, Jags are in.
  2. This country was built on the right to free speech. If she wants to wear that dress let her! Clearly she was standing in front of a magic mirror when she thought it looked good. If you wear a dress that looks like a confederate flag, you might be a redneck.
  3. Will be driving from Boston with a mean hangover on Sat. Actually 3 of us in a small Toyota tacoma (it's an extended cab, which means extended bouts of leg cramps for the loser in the back seat). The ultimate question is going to be where to stay... The sheraton by the galleria mall is nice, but Holiday Inn Express is always cheaper.
  4. Although it is not good news, it does make me feel better in that the injury to McGahee is probably not very serious. We really need him back for the Steelers game.
  5. Damn, it sounded so good. Too good to be true.....
  6. Thats how I keep mine,,,, whats wrong.... Ask my 43 children, they don't have a problem with it.......... Ask my sister, I mean my wife.......
  7. This link should help... http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/standings But, to summarize.... Steelers record 13 wins, 1 loss Patsies record 12 wins, 2 losses The Steelers are the better team, look at their record, and one of the Patsies losses is to the Steelers. Nuff said.
  8. I'm not saying the Patsies should be dead last, but give me a break. The power rankings are week to week rating, they have nothing to do with last year, or the year before. The Steelers have the better record, and if I remember correctly (I do) they beat the crap out of the Pats this year. The Steelers should definately be ranked in front of the Patsies. This has more to do with the media love affair with bradygayboy than anything else.
  9. The fans....... Wasn't it Levy who said if a coach starts listening to the fans and what they think, they should be careful or they will end up sitting with them..... Oddly, the Steelers Organization was not thrilled that MM left. Just the fans....
  10. How can Fox say the Pats are still number 1? They talk like the Steelers are having all kinds of problems, and they say we will not make the playoffs. Bunch of a-holes.
  11. Now were just like Texas, Oh wait, this isn't the death penalty thread..........
  12. I have a friend who has bought tix from scalpers three times this year. He has only paid 5$ over face value every time. There are always tickets to be had at the game. If you wait until after kickoff, you can probably get them for less than face value.
  13. It's just too bad that our votes have absolutely nothing to do with them actually making the playoffs. Lets just win on Sunday.
  14. I guess I wonder what this means about the injury to McGahee. It seems like there is little information about what the injury really is.
  15. I'll take it! A win is a win is a win.......
  16. Rob, You still up for a trip to Buffalo for the Steelers? I'm pretty sure I'm going and have extra tixs.
  17. Lets get off the cowbell and who made a bet track.... What do you think? I say Bills 37, 49ers 7. They score the 7 due to a stupid Bills turnover, but we still dominate.
  18. What do you call a guy with no arms, no legs laying on the floor? Matt!
  19. Stop, please stop. No one cares about a Patsie fan and his supposed bet. Go to Patsie land and post there...... Don't go away mad, just go away....... It's not that it doesn't matter, we just don't care. Actually we don't care because you don't matter....... Need I say more?
  20. Call me crazy, but that really looked like Ted Kennedy with a beard.
  21. Massachusetts is a strange state, actually it isn't even a state. They call it a Commonwealth..... I think they should federalize the whole area and thereby force it back into the fold of America.....
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