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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Was she in the cheerleader uniform at the time of the incident? If so, punitive damages go way up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. This will seem cruel, but, Was she good looking? I need to know so that I can properly put a number on damages for my lawsuit. Removing a hot woman from society must be punished.
  3. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,141956,00.html This is very interesting.... Maybe they need it to be able to surrender quicker?
  4. I think the wait till the last minute approach is so that perhaps the court will issue an order not allowing it until it decides. Essentially making it not happen, clearly the inaguration will happen irregardless.
  5. I'd take the car that Homer Simpson designed. http://www.uglycars.co.uk/images/guest/homer_dreamcar2.gif
  6. Not sure what State you are in, but, most lemon laws apply only to dealers, not private sellers. Usually as long as you haven't sold a certain number of cars in a year, you are considered a private seller (ussaully 5 cars is the number). I would say the buyer has no case and is just threatening. Buyer beware.
  7. I agree it would be foolish to think that there is no other life out there. Oddly enough, I bet it is more similar to life that is now, or once was on this very planet we live on. (Life is life, the same properties that make up the earth, our solar system, etc. are the same way out there, so therefore, it might be more like looking in a mirror than you think.) As far as inteligent life visiting us, little green men and all, I'm not so sure. We have a fairly good grasp on physics, and traveling thousands of light years is not that easy (physics is physics irregardless of what planet your on). Even if you could travel the distance, you would be thousands of light years old when you got there, and when you finally made it back, who know if the earth would even still exist. We are talking about a really long time you know. When you look up into the sky at night, the light you see coming from all those stars is actually quite old. A star might explode today, a long ways away, but you wouldn't know about it for quite a long time (years).
  8. When I was growing up, I remember going to Nativity in Orchard Park (Catholic Elementary School) they basically taught us that Dinosaurs and such never existed! When you asked, "what about the dinosaurs?" They would tell you, some things are not to be asked from God. Or, my favorite, "God put the bones in the earth to test your faith." What a bunch of BS.
  9. Another interesting factoid: The moon is slowly moving away from the earth! Many years from now, (Millions), the moon will be locked for some time in the same rotation as the earth. What does that mean? Well, only half the world will ever see the moon. Imagine your kids not know what the moon looks like, except from pictures. Imagine having to go on vacation to the other side of the earth to see the moon!
  10. Clearly I wasn't going to put the whole theory here, yes, much more mass is needed than Jupiter has, but the theory still stands, Jupiter is what is left of the attempt of a second star. It could never become a star, again not enough mass, also the theory of something crashing into it causeing a reaction turning it into a star is out too. If you disagree, check out Shoemaker-Levy comet that crashed into it. Another interesting solar system fact: The two moons of mars are slowly being pulled into mars due to gravity. Eventually, 200 million years (maybe more) they will collide with Mars. The end result will be that Mars will sport rings similar to Saturn (less ice than saturn, but rings none the less). To bad we won't be around to see it....
  11. Many scientists theorize that Jupiter is made up of the elements that created our sun. Jupiter is extremely large, and has the Mass many times that of earth. Theory's state that Jupiter was made up of all the things of the sun, but never reached the critical mass necessary to produce fusion. If you look out into space, most solar systems are two star systems. Would be different living in a world with two suns. Interestingly, the fact that are solar system has only one star may be the very reason that we exist. A second sun in our solar system would probably have ruined our planet for life.......
  12. I hate the Braves even more than I hate the Patsies......
  13. Indy, unless the Pats are in the SB, then whoever they're playing against.
  14. The Boeing 777 is so big, that the engines are bigger than the circumfrence of a 757!!!!!!
  15. Boeing is slated to unveil a new superairliner in the near future. I hate the french, but Airbus is owned by england too, so I guess I have to accept it. Hate the frenchies, like the Brits. It is a huge airliner, but I understand only large airlines could dream of buying due to enormous cost.
  16. I think this will just result in the signs coming down. Some people will probably not want to do the clean ups anymore, but the rest still will do it. So now you clean a section of the highway, get a plaque for your office entryway, etc.
  17. Actually I think he's crushing a Cleveland Brown....
  18. Kind of like the Chargers rookie(JETS WIN, JETS WIN)? No thanks, I'll take experience anytime.
  19. Seriously, I would cut/fire/trade Bledsoe, bring in Harrington and let JP sit a year or two. I know it would never happen, but I'm not convinced JP is ready next year, and Harrington would do well I think with our defense, ST, and offensive weapons.
  20. I wouldn't be against seeing him in a Buffalo uniform, but I am sceptical of anything involving the QB position.
  21. I can't stop laughing. People are looking in my office like I'm nuts.....
  22. I'm not sure that Farve is gone, unless he retires. That city loves him. If Favre is gone, lets say they don't want him anymore.... Where does Farve go? Does he retire, or go play someplace else? Arizona? (they always seem to bite)
  23. Oh yeah, National Geographic would be good too.
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