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Everything posted by BB27

  1. When I was in college we had one rule: If you lay down anywhere, and your shoes are still on, you are fair game!
  2. Even better is where, Art Vandalay, Pennypacker and Varnsen all look at the apartment.......(same episode) I have seen them all.
  3. You guys have totally killed a great Seinfeld thread.
  4. "What ever happened to Darren?" "Darren's going away for a long long time."
  5. There seem to be a lot of heavy (FAT) women who work there..
  6. Many city, county, and state law enforcement and fire services do not allow personell to smoke (on or off duty). It comes down to a condition of employment, if you want to smoke, that is fine, you just can't work there. I don't see a problem with it.
  7. What I've learned today. Two days of shovelling really sucks!
  8. I agree totally, but evertime we play them, and they beat us, they continue to say, "I told you so." Remove bledsoe from the equation, and they won't have that on us anymore. No more Belichek is so good at getting in Bledsoe's head, etc, etc.
  9. Once we get rid of Bledsoe, then the rivalry between us and the patsies is over. Hopefully that will happen sooner than later....
  10. All hail the great Belichek (however you spell his name). Would someone please tell Bob Kraft to get a new shirt, that one with the stripes and the white collar is getting a little old.
  11. Unfortunately I can't decide who to root for. I hate the patsies, my hatred is to the extreme, so rooting for them may result in my addmission to a mental hospital. I do like McNabb, but don't see Philly pulling it off. Maybe if I root for the Patsies they will lose? Every team I pulled for this post season has lost, so, I might have to flirt with mental instability and root for the patsies.
  12. 3 hours of shovelling this morning and then pancakes for breakfast!! I love snow!
  13. At Least 30" here in Cambridge MA. Snow drifts 4 to 5 feet high!!!! It's still snowing. Almost time to go back out and shovel again....
  14. Here in Boston (actually Cambridge/Arlington Line) I was just out shovelling, and I would put it at 8" right now. With the forcast for more snow all night, we are going to get a huge amount! Growing up in Buffalo has one advantage, I love this weather!!
  15. I remember that our cable got knocked out during the 4th Quarter, and we had to listen to the game on the radio. That play took forever, and it was so hard to stomach. But I didn't see the kick that night, so I really don't remember it on the same level.
  16. I'll give you a real answer. Airline pilot. Love to fly!
  17. "I call out name" "Costanza?, "Yes, Cartright, you no answer, She say dirty word, hang up...."
  18. Okay, here is one... Jerry's apartment is clearly a studio in the first episode. The apartment stays the same, but miraculously becomes a one bedroom later on.
  19. Not always! I know from experience!
  20. Don't they allready have something that can see through walls, oh yeah, its called Xray.
  21. Allright, this is going to get me in trouble........
  22. I knew it would result in something like this.....
  23. So what if he is gay, he's still an awesome catcher.
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