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Everything posted by BB27

  1. "If you pull any of that **** on me, I'll put that gun up your a$$ and pull the trigger until it goes click click." "You never fug with the Jesus." BEST Movie in a long time. "You mean the carpetpissers did this?"
  2. http://www.local6.com/news/4184891/detail.html
  3. $1000 is for the bags only, you also have to have all the sensors in the front end replaced. At least $5000 for the entire job. And you would get new bags, would you really want used airbags?
  4. The president of France, that way we could put him in and watch him get slaughtered.
  5. I drive my wife home everynight,,,,,,,,,,
  6. The actual proof is being held by CBS 60 Minutes.......
  7. I don't get it, except that he has links to articles about Vinny T. and the Cowboys. Nothing about him going to Dallas. Did I miss something?
  8. The idea of going to a barber shop and asking for "bags" of hair is just a little to freaky for me.
  9. Technically, they would fire up a stake for burning, hoepfully they are charging the batteries in the electric chair.....
  10. This is 100% true: Statistically, it is safer to fly than to ride on an elevator. More people die per year in the world in elevator accidents than in aircraft crashes. I don't believe it, but supposedly it is true.
  11. Turn up the volume when you watch it. You can hear the engines power up once the pilot realizes that he ain't gonna make it. I don't know if I would want to have to try that again though.
  12. Unfortunately, we cannot shoot "real" guns in thier town. So a pellet or BB gun would be the best. I wish electric fences worked for chipmunks. They were terrible last year. They ruined at least 50% of our veggies. The big cat would work best I think.
  13. We plant a garden every year. We have a good sized area (25' x 45') and divide it up by types of plants. Last year we planted sweet corn, watermelon, cucumbers, squash (3 varieties), zuchini, tomatoes (over 60 plants), green & red peppers, and some hot peppers too, Peas, beans, carrots, and onions. We had a real problem with the chipmunks last year, so we have to work on some type of system to keep them away. I have suggested a large cat! Problem is the garden is at our Grandparents, so we can't force a pet on them. I also suggested a pellet gun for grandma!
  14. Do you think the people on this flight know how close they came to meeting their maker? http://www.flightlevel350.com/picwindow.php?cat=19&pic=116
  15. This is interesting, but I couldn't see a Belichek type guy want DB. Belichek saw what DB was, and got rid of him. Interesting part was about the "bills want JP to be their starter" I haven't seen this officially from the Bills, but it is promising.
  16. I guess I should have put a big SARCASM in there for you.
  17. How about "Brubaker" with Robert Redford, and "Escape from Alcatraz" with Clint Eastwood?
  18. Senaca Army Depot is what you're talking about. It closed a while back. It did not have active missles, but was believed to be a location that stored nukes for the military (it was a depot). I had a friend who was stationed there years ago, and he said they never told him what he was guarding, but that there was tons of security, including the ok to kill people who tried to approach certain bunkers. The military never confirmed or denied the prescence of "special weapons" (NUKES).
  19. Found the old Nike Site on Grand Island. Nike Base Park off of Whitehaven Road. There may still be leftover equipment there on display seeing as they named the park after it.
  20. There was a Nike Missle site on Grand Island, not sure if it is still there though. I remember being a kid, and walking in a friends backyard in the woods, and coming to the fence. Never knew what it was until I got older and did some research. It was one of many Nike sites scattered throughout the east coast.
  21. Here is another good one.... The original, "In the Heat of the Night", if you haven't seen it, go rent it. Sidney Poitier is totally awesome.
  22. Has anyone ever seen "Lonely are the Brave" starring Kirk Douglas (1962)? Really good movie, back in the day of acting not special effects. Anyone know any other good ones?
  23. My guess is this was a poorly run zoo where there were no female penquins. The males were only trying to do what they do, which is breed. "Two penguins had a rock they were protecting like an egg." Can you say f-ed p?
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