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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Last I checked, they weren't admitting to the murders....... Why would you be dissapointed?
  2. I guess, but they are clearly there on Google maps, and yahoo maps, and mapquest. Also, you can go to the .mil website for each installation and download a road map of the base. Seems odd that only BING maps doesn't have it.
  3. I was looking at different maps of different places I have been over the years, and I was checking on a couple of military bases I had been to in Italy. I was looking on BING maps for two places , Sigonella NAS and Aviano AFB. I'm pretty good with geography and remember the roads around the area really well. I couldn't find either place. I then decided to check google maps to see if there was something I was missing. Well, there was. BING maps removed both installations and made them look like farm land. Why would BING remove these installations? It's not like everyone doesn't know that they are there. I tried to post links, but they wouldn't work.
  4. Careful, or we'll send Luca Brasi to visit you.
  5. Here it is! The Lip Reader
  6. "Whacked" is not the correct terminology. Someone is gonna "get sent for", and someone else is gonna "make thier bones", or if they already have, then they're going to, "put in a piece of work".
  7. John Forbes Kerry - "Would that it were." WTF is that supposed to mean?
  8. People who say - irregardless. Its not even a word. Just say regardless!!!!!
  9. Figured it was only a matter of time......
  10. What do you do for a living? You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with firemen and whether or not they start fires.......
  11. 100% volunteer in my town. They work hard and are not pyro's!
  12. Talk to a good tax lawyer. They will be able to give you good legal tax advice. The money you spend on the lawyer will be very well spent.
  13. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Chubby? What a hateful word....
  14. Congrats! Having kids is awesome!!!! Wouldn't trade anything for it. Oh yeah, get some sleep, you're gonna need it.
  15. Must be different types of tests. Mine there was no way anyone could have stayed on that thing at the highest level. I was running as fast as I could at level 7, and I felt like I was running straight up hill!
  16. 86 METS destroyed a number of United planes. A group of them would sit in the back and literally rip the seats out (Daryl Strawberry did it a number of times). The group was commonly referred to as the "Scum Bunch". Of course these were charter flights, so there were no other passengers except the METS. GO METS!
  17. An educator of all people should definately be against censoring this book. Censorship for all the wrong reasons....... Why would this book not be in the library for kids to read? If our schools are going to be forced to read books like "King and King" story about a gay couple for kindergardeners, then why can't kids read Huckleberry Finn? My god, what is this country coming to?
  18. ELAINE: No we didn't. You take these things too literally. It's like saying, you're hungry enough to eat a horse. KRAMER: Well, my friend Jay Reimenschneider eats horse all the time. He gets it from his butcher. I can never resist the opportunity to get in a Seinfeld qoute.......
  19. Huck Finn censored? "Twain scholar Alan Gribben and Alabama's NewSouth Books have replaced the n-word (used 223 times between the two books, according to Gribben) with the word "slave"; changed "Injun" (in reference to "Injun Joe") to "Indian"; and altered "half-breed" to "half-blood."" Well, what do you think? Right? Wrong? I think it is crazy to censor this book. Why don't we censor everything bad out of historic books so that we can act like it didn't happen? Discuss?
  20. I have to say, I was a little bit nervous going in, but in the end it was a good thing, and I'd take one again if my doctor wanted me to. It's always a little nerve racking to be told by a doctor that you need to take a test because something could be wrong with your heart. I had a brand new baby at home when this happened so it really freaked me out, and I had an episode awhile before (allergic reaction to SPLENDA) that caused my heart to flutter, so I was especially nervous. I also have always had a case of the white coat syndrome when going to the doctor. I did square away my life insurance after getting the clean bill of health!!!
  21. When I was in college, one of my frat brothers who I pledged with had an extremely big ass. We used to rag on him that he used bounty (all in good fun of course). One night when we were all on a good bender and he was sleeping at his girls apartment we snuck into his place and mounted a paper towel dispenser in the bathroom right where the TP used to be. Good times. He did get us back though, many many times.
  22. Yup, did one a couple of years ago when I had a physical for my job. I had a high heart rate (just barely). So they sent my for a stress test. It is a simple test, for mine this is how it went. Hooked up to EKG machine, and took a reading (BP as well) while laying down. Then took another standing (at rest). For mine they had a cardiologist review these readings to make sure there was no obvious heart problem. Then it is time for the machine. Started out walking at a very easy pace, and then every few minutes, they increase the speed and angle of climb. It get progressively harder until you either Can't run any faster, or you hit what they consider to be your maximum heart rate. During the entire time you're on the machine, they are taking EKG readings and taking your BP. A couple of more readings until your heart rate/ BP is back to normal and then your all done. In the end the cardiologist told me I needed to lose some weight, but there is nothing wrong with my heart. He though I may have been coming down with something the day of the physical which caused the higher than normal heart rate. Actually kind of fun to take the test and then get a clean bill of health. Oh yeah, the tech who gave me the test told me "no one ever beats the machine, no one."
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