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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Being in row 19, whenever we play teams that are reletively close to Buffalo we end up surrounded by the other teams fans. The other seats are row 2, right above the balcony.
  2. Depending on what side of the mountain you're on base camp could be as high as 19000 feet. Also, people keep saying, "someone could fly me to the top....." this is impossible, no helicopter can fly that high, and you would die jumping out of a jet at 30000 feet (no acclimitization, etc). Also, 65k is what it costs to climb with expensive guides. You can climb on the north side of everest with no guides for a $5000 permit fee. I have been climbing for quite a while, and have never hired a guide for actual climbs. Occasionally we will hire someone for a day to go over rescue techniques as a refresher, but never to lead us up a climb. I'm trying to convince my wife to let me and my climbing partner go on a 45 day trip to India to climb.
  3. Here is the problem... I have 4 seats in section 313 row 19. (approximately 40 yard line) I can move if I want to section 315 row 2. (approx. 5 yard line) Both are in the upper deck, visitors side. What should I do?
  4. I've done quite a bit of climbing, including trips to Alaska (Denali) South America (Peru) and the North Cascades. I would in an instant go to Everest to climb. My wife would freak, but it is the greatest feeling to stand on top of a big mountain, look down and be able to say I did it. The feeling from standing on top of Everest must be 1000 times greater. Q. Why do men climb mountains? A. Because they're there.
  5. fug Miami, the pansies too. Every team we play is our enemy. I really really really loathe Miami though. Old habits die hard. With Bedsore no longer with the Bills, my hatred for the pansies has diminished.
  6. The ending was best, with Sayid saying "allright Locke, now take me to the hatch." Sayis's eyes were best, almost piercing. CLASSIC!!!!!!!!
  7. Wait a minute,,,,, I thought you idiots were talking about bowling balls......
  8. You know they make special bags to hold them. It makes them much more managable. Also, I always shine them before using them too.
  9. Oh yeah, its not painful at all....
  10. FYI, I have one 16 pound ball, and one 13 pounder. I have them waxed twice a year. 80 bucks seems steep.
  11. Go for 315. I have 4 seats in 313, and the upper deck is pretty decent.
  12. I don't shop at TOPS, I prefer Wegmans, it's way better.......
  13. Usually in June, first week or so. Some games go really fast. The pansies game went to single seats before it was available to the general public. It is a great way to get tickets to games. I usually run a trip to Buffalo for the Patsies game, and I buy 10 - 12 tickets in addition to my 4 season tickets.
  14. Well, they say practice makes perfect. I used to be a scratch golfer, no handicap, and could regularly shoot under par. That being said, I don't play nearly as much. I'm lucky to get out 5 - 6 times per year now. I usually shoot around 80. I played at Myrtle Beach, "The Witch", earlier this year, three day golfing trip, and shot a 78 which was a damn good round on that course. I would love to play more, just don't have the time.
  15. Yeah, okay, the canadian rockies are kind of cool. Went on a climbing trip there a few years (more like 10), and we were climbing for 10 days, only saw two other climbing parties. What really pissed me off was that when we got back to the car the god damned animals ate the wires in the enging compartment of our rental car. I was told it is "opposum" problem there. I've been climbing all over the world, and I have never had an animal eat parts of my car. What the hell are the canadians breeding up there? Some kind of super rodent?
  16. I mean no offense, but why would anyone want to go to Canada? Been there, and its boring........
  17. Right on! I should get her to contact my lawyer, Jackie Chiles. He once got me all the Java world coffee I could drink for a burn I recieved while smuggling a piping hot cup of coffee into the theatre that I purchased at their establishment........
  18. Okay, I just spent the last 40 minutes reading all of these posts........ and this one is the best. The rest were amusing, but this one wins it.
  19. Grab any Buffet CD, insert it into your CD player, and I would say you are all set. Grab multiple Buffet CD's, put them in your CD changer, and have hours of fun. Drink beer (must be extremely cold) and sit back, relax, forget worries.......
  20. When he moved down to Venice he had to go door-to-door to tell everyone he's a pederast. What's a pederast, Walter? Shut the fug up, Donny.
  21. You forgot the OT... 63 meters first try.
  22. I'm a wealthy industrialist with money to throw around. They call me Pennypacker.
  23. Person at work named their kid Fenola... What the fug is Fenola?
  24. No, getting the monkey was the best. Taking him to the vet second.
  25. I don't know about the rest of the league, but I like the METS, and see them going far this year.
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