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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Plane crash on the way to a pre season game. Entire team wiped out. You asked!
  2. Fun game with which to wast a few hours. http://www.teagames.com/games/funkytruck/play.php
  3. I heard that France was really in the running, but when it started to look like it was going to be a real battle, THEY SURRENDERED.... Go figure........
  4. Anyone that believes in a religion that requires the use of space ships,,,,,, IS WACKED!!!!!!
  5. What ever happened to the saying: "A quiter never wins, a winner never quits." Can you imagine where we'd be now if all the brave people who fought in WWII had been taught that winning wasn't important. I know I'll get crucified for this, but the damn liberals are killing our kids.
  6. To all the people who think that the cops should have dragged her out of the car, maybe we should post some clips of officers being dragged down the road because they attempted to remove a suspect by leaning in. Maybe we'll follow it up with clips of officers funerals.... Bunch of liberal pansies.
  7. I'm on the opposite of the South Beach Diet, its called the north plains eatathon. I hope to need 8 seats by 2007! Well, off to MacDonalds for my 5th breakfast.
  8. What are you a doctor? And how will showing patients help with your room rate?
  9. I live in Boston, and have 4, thats right, 4 season tickets. I go to at least 6 games every year. Started out in 2000 with 2 seats, 01 added a third seat, and this year added a fourth. I love the BILLS, and 7.5 hours of driving saturday and again on monday is worth it for an entire day surrounded by my fellow BILLS fans at the Ralph. I don't see how a fan couldn't spend the money.........
  10. I'm going downtown today to see the parade for the "inannimate carbon rod".
  11. Back in the 70's, Shores was right in the center of OP. Most of the Bills Oline used to go there, as well as other players. It was definately a 70's type of bar though, OJ and Ferguson both drank there. It burned down awhile ago though, not sure when.
  12. This might actually work in this case. He is guilty as hell. A few jokes,,,,, How can you tell that MJ has guests at the ranch? . . . . . . By all the big wheels parked out front. What did the young boys father say to MJ while at the beach? . . . . . . . Can you please move, you're in my son.....
  13. Move to a house made entirely of concrete......
  14. Originally from Buffalo, now live in Boston, surrounded by patsie fans. I have season tickets (4 seats) to the Bills, and make it to at least 5 games per season. I am a dedicated Bills fan, and will never change.
  15. They (the cops) drank the vodka.........
  16. Wasn't the number 19 really important in the Stephen King Gunslinger books?
  17. I think the island is more of a bermuda triangle type of place. Although, the "it's an alarm system." might ruin my theory. I can't wait until next week.
  18. Finally worked, Got my 10 extra tix to the Patsies game.
  19. This SUCKS! I'll be pissed if I can't get the tix I want. I have been trying for hours.....
  20. I watch tv, etc. with mom. Occassionally scenes with sex, language, etc are on. I am not at all embarrassed. I am married, I think mom knows that me and my wife have sex........ Not saying anyone is immature. I guess I have a different relationship with my mom.
  21. Awesome movie. Also, how old are you people if you're still getting embarrased by sex and breasts when watching movies with Mom and Dad??? And what the hell are you doing at home watching movies with Mommy and Daddy anyways? I go home and visit my mom and all but renting movies and watching them?? Maybe its just me.......
  22. A friends cat attacked a burglar when he was at work. The cops actually caught the guy, he was really cut up, legs, arms and face. They don't bark, but they do a lot of damage when they take action.
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