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Everything posted by BB27

  1. "Yeah, but when I see that guy in that red jersey, it just makes me so mad, I gotta hit him. AUGHHHHHHH!!!" The Replacements
  2. I lost the friggin conection right before launch and had to reconnect. DAMN.
  3. GO FOR LAUNCH!!! About 20 minutes left.
  4. You should look at all the technological discoveries that were made as a result of the space program. I guarantee that your life has been made easier as a result.
  5. It's time for this guy to join up with the US Postal Service and get some revenge. I heard they issue automatic weapons upon being hired......
  6. I want to hear about lots of breaks (involving bones in Marsha Brady.....).
  7. Definately going to watch it. FX has some great shows.
  8. What if one person made all the explosives and they didn't work? That would explain why they think only the detenators went off and no major explosion. A lot of the explosives used are homemade.
  9. Awesome! Reading the bios brings tears to my eyes!!!! Those were amazing years........
  10. How about hire the best candidate?????? Theres an option.....
  11. Well you could just fly through the thunderstorms... I am assuming you were delayed due to weather. A delay is always better that crashing......
  12. Someone was talking "waterworld", what about "the postman", another Kevin Costner flop that I thought was pretty good. If you liked waterworld, you will probably like this one too.
  13. My wife says that cleaning is a necessary task. Is this true?
  14. I am a member of PETA.... PEOPLE EATING TASTY ANIMALS......
  15. The shuttle needs to be replaced, it is out of date, and hasn't been a modern aircraft in many many years. To advocate for the end of the space program is a huge mistake in my eyes. The list of things that are in common use that make our lives easier every day that were developed and perfected by the space program is to long to even begin to list. More technology will come out of the program, and great things will be discovered in the process. Don't elliminate the space program, change it. Replace the aging fleet of space shuttles with a new better aircraft! For the record, the russians had many, many more losses in flight, you just never heard about them. Do a google search and see what you find.... They actually had a space shuttle, it never worked, and crashed more than once.
  16. DAMN, Launch scrubbed due to an equipment malfunction.
  17. Back in the 90's I actually got to see the shuttle launch from inside Cape Canaveral. We were very close to the launch. You have no idea of the power until you can hear the sound the shuttle makes when being launched. Absolutely awesome, there are no words to describe the sound it makes. The best I can do is it sounds like it is ripping through the air.
  18. In case anyone is interested.... http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html
  19. Find a bar near your office, drink heavily, I mean really heavily. Stumble out onto the street and pass out. Wake up in hospital or home (good friends help here). You don't remember how you got home,,,,,,,, no worries.
  20. I detect a load of sarcasm here. You hit the nail on the head though. No conservative would want to spend a dime on these people unless it involves 4 steel reinforced walls. These people should be locked up and the keys should be destroyed. How many times are we going to re-release these predators before we learn our lesson? The wacko's at the ACLU will fight to keep these people out of jail, and to keep their identities secret.
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