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Everything posted by BB27

  1. A guy walks into a sex shop and tells the clerk he wants to buy a blow up doll. The clerk asks if he wants a Christian doll or a Muslim one. The guy asks whats the differnce.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Clerk says, " well, you have to blow up the christian doll, the muslim one blow up themselves."
  2. Terrorist with the **** kicked out of him.
  3. I know, I'm working on it.
  4. 1. Lived in Europe for 4 years in the mid 80's. Spent plenty of time in France. They were rude ignorant people then, still are. 2. How many frenchmen died in WWI? NOT ENOUGH!!!!!!! 3. Did the french dig the english channel? What does this have to do with my hatred of the french. Screw them if it wasn't for us, they would be german. For the record, I hate the germans too. I sold my BMW after those a$$holes wouldn't support us. I bought an american car and love it.
  5. I hate patsies fans almost as much as I hate the french.... oh wait, I'm crossing threads here.....
  6. I can't think of the last time I saw a peugeot. That just reminded me of another reason I hate the french. Their cars suck. They suck, everything french sucks I hate their women too!!!
  7. Maybe you should move to france FRENCHY!! The french hate us because they have to blame someone for their rotten economy. It really pisses them off that we can go half way around the world, go to war, spend billions, and life still remains relatively normal both economically and socially here at home. They also hate us because we killed their under the table dealings with Saddam. They were supplying him with so much crap, all in violation of the UN sactions. They wanted to go to Iraq first to peal the french labels off all the stuff they sold Saddam. I HATE THE FRENCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. The French resistance during WWII never happened. Its a myth.
  9. Yeah, but did you see the really good deals on Bledsoe and Henry jerseys???
  10. Ahhh, Festivus....... This new holiday is scratching me right where I itch.
  11. 1. I am a conservative. 2. I hate France, anything french, even french toast. 3. I didn't see this movie as a slap at US politics. 4. I liked this movie.
  12. My understanding about the way the terrorist works is that they base a major attack (9-11) on going when the operation is ready. They generally don't plan for specific dates, etc. This is usually true for major operations, not as true for small ones. So, the idea that they would be trying to pull of some major attack on Sept. 11th again is remote, that they would attack the Ralph is in my opinion even more remote since there are other areas of the country that would afford more publicity. An attack on the Ralph would generate a certain amount of immediate publicity, an attack on Giants Stadium or San Fran (don't know what they're calling it this year) would provide even more. I wouldn't worry about it. I'll be there and won't really be thinking about it except for remembering the people who lost their lives, and those that are overseas fighting so it won't happen again. I do always make sure I know the best way to get out of the stadium in the event of an emergency. I even have a back up plan in the event exiting is not the best idea. Maybe the emergency in the stadium is intended to get everyone going out for the real attack? Anyways, I wouldn't worry about it.
  13. Read my last line again.... I know it's not fool proof, but for the honest person it would work fine. Also, if I have your address and name, I can easily get your SSN and DOB.
  14. Go here and see if there is info. If not, go to the post office and ask.
  15. Or how about a nice home made retatta?
  16. Aren't all tornados isolated? I mean there are some storms that generate multiples, but that is extremely rare.
  17. I guess I was thinking of the situation where there might not be enough time to do COD. Can you do COD on overnight express?
  18. NM: "I'm a Postal Worker." GC: "Postal Worker? Aren't they the guys that go crazy and shoot people?" NM: "Sometimes." GC: "Why is that?" NM: (yelling) "Because of the mail, the more you get it out the more it comes in, and then its publishers clearing week...." CK: (yelling) "NEWMAN!!!"
  19. I hope they get this done before the season starts. I really believe that he wants to stay in Buffalo and we really need him. A loss like this on D would be hard to overcome. GET R' DONE. Whether or not he is the best CB in the league, who knows, he is a veteran leader on our defense, and his loss would be really felt.
  20. $100 is really nice, anything more is even better.
  21. I was recently thinking about this, and came up with an idea. Have the person your selling them to sign something that agrees to pay the specific amount, and also have him send you a photo copy of his/her drivers license. This could be a scanned copy over the internet, faxed, etc. Then send the tickets. If you don't receive the money by game day, then tell the person before hand that you will report the tickets stolen, and the cops would be able to go see who is in the seats, make an arrest, etc. You will have the persons name, address, etc so you could always file a police report. I know it's not fool proof, but for the honest person it would work fine. Go ahead, tell me about all the holes in my idea.
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