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Everything posted by BB27

  1. The pats did win, but I didn't think they looked that good. They never really seemed to get going. Many of their drives were able to continue because the raiders committed stupid penalties. The raiders lost the game, the patsies didn't really go out and win it.
  2. You want to wear womens shoes to get close to male football players? Not that there is anything wrong with that.....
  3. I thought the raiders played really sloppy football, and they lost the game. The patsies did just enough to score more points. I don't know how many times the raiders held the patsies on 3rd down just to give up the first on a stupid penalty. I thought the refs called a pretty good game.
  4. Unfortunately, I think I will also be listening to the PAtsie fans tell me how great Marsha looked. I hope they won't have anything to talk about, but I fear I may work most of the day tomorrow with my door closed to avoid the crappy conversation. The worst is that a bunch of them come around and say, "how is that new QB of yours, whats his name again, loseman right?" I just want to beat the **** out of them when they say that.
  5. A guy walks into a bar and orders 12 beers at one time. The bartender lines up 12 beers on the bar. The guy proceeds to down one after the other as if they were shots. After he drinks the 9th beer the bartender says, "whoa, slow down a bit, whats with the heavy drinking." The guy tells him, "I just got my first bl0w j0b." The bartender says, "hey thats great," pours another beer, "have another one on the house." The guys says, " Hell no, if I can't get this taste out of my mouth with 12 of these, I'm done."
  6. I didn't even read all the responses to this, I just had to get here and say,,, I absolutely HATE the cowboys. I don't care who is playing for them. For any Bills player to go play for them is worse than treason. I may actually hate the cowboys worse than the patsies. That would put my hate list as follows: #3 Patsies #2 Cowboys #1 anything and absolutely everything related to FRANCE, and the FRENCH.
  7. They should have the game in Buffalo, but, all the seats are available for sale. Obvioiusly the season ticket holders would get first dibs on their seats, but everyone would have to pay for them. All the proceeds go to help with the Hurricane relief. Or, they should fly 76000 NO fans to Buffalo and let them go to the game for free. We would surely show them a good time.
  8. One question I keep asking is why don't they set up the massive tent cities we have seen at other locations around the world. The military is quite good at setting up comfortable facilities in just about any location. It would seem like this is the time to do this.
  9. Do you pound nails regularly? Because you sure hit the nail on the head with that one.
  10. The one good thing,,,, we can all argue till we're blue in the face about who is to blame, and whether the dems or the GOP is right, but, We all really like the BUFFALO BILLS!!!!!
  11. I agree, it was a poor choice of words. Imagine if Guiliani had responded this way after 9/11.
  12. I knew somebody would take it the wrong way. The guy is an idiot. For him to go on national TV, and blame the President when he obviously did not have any plan what so ever except to send people to locations with no food, no water and no medical supplies. I know, I know, it's GWB's fault. The hurricane was created by the GOP to wipe out the poor people of NO.
  13. Great article! I agree with the breakdown, but we have some big ? marks. I keep telling people if JP can play error free football, we will win quite a few games this year.
  14. I'm surprised in the video that Katy didn't blame Bush. They should lynch the mayor of NO before they go after anyone else.
  15. Yes. I believe the City PD was taken over by the USDOJ to put an end to the corruption.
  16. Having been involved in the 9/11 rescue efforts, the City of New York's EMS system was totally in disaray immediately following the attacks. The entire radio system for the FDNY and NYPD was inoperable. The radio antenae were on top of the towers. Many emergency responders were killed when the towers fell, and many more were injured, yet, they maintained thier posts, and did not surrender to panic. Having been to NO, and seen the NO PD in action, I am not surprised that officers were looting, and probably committing worse crimes. I believe that back in the 90's the NO PD was taken over by the USDOJ due to rampant coruption. Over 50% of the officers were convicted felons at that time. Rudy G. was a true leader during the events of 9/11, never leaving the city. He was a calming influence to thousands of emergency responders, and to millions of citizens. He could have immediately passed blame for the events to the federal government but did not. To describe 9/11 as a large fire confined to a small area of the city is a great embelishment on your part. How about a large fire of devastating consequences in an area inhabited by approximately 4 MILLION people. They evacuated manhattan south of Canal Street!!!! The mayor of NO is an idiot. I heard an interview with this moron where he was condoning the behavior of the looters, and gangs of roving criminals because they were drug adicts and needed their fix. Maybe you think we should start airlifting in narcotics to keep them happy. Clearly this guy has no leadership qualities. He should be on the radio and TV telling people to remain calm, and reasure them that help is coming. He is an Idiot.
  17. Somehow I don't think he uses them much, with them being buried by all that fat.
  18. Sorry, I hate him even more than the french. I just couldn't hold back.
  19. I drive from Boston, and we get there early, and stay late. One year we were the last car to leave the lot. I never park in the Stadium lots because they don't open early enough, and you have to get out to early too. If I can't have my grill going by 8am, then I won't park there. I usually park in the private lot on the north side right before Lot 5. They don't care when you get there and if you leave late.
  20. Wait a minute, a doctor actually telling a patient what they need to do to be healthy? How dare he actually do his job. Maybe she should just get another doctor who will prescribe donuts.
  21. This fat slob should be forced to enlist in the military. Oh yeah, the air force, coast guard, and navy don't count. It would have to be the army or marines. He wouldn't make it through 5 days of MC boot. F-in liberal POS loser slob!
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